Dear friend,
A realization: when it comes to mobile apps and platforms, VSCO is a million times better than Instagram. Why? Let me outline some ideas here:
First of all, VSCO has hands-down the best presets. The a6 (Aesthetic 6) is my favorite. It gives the warm Portra 400 film feel. Instagram (and all the other photo editing/filter apps) don’t even come close.
Secondly, VSCO is great for sharing photos, without getting distracted by comments, likes, and follower numbers. This allows for a much more ZEN experience of sharing photos, without the anxiety about how many likes your photos will get.
Third, I think VSCO has a better business model. They’re making a subscription mode (VSCO X) which is more transparent than Instagram/Facebook which fills your feed with advertising, and collects your personal data/behavior/information.
Fourth, VSCO user experience is sublime. Minimalist, beautiful, and buttery smooth. In a world with too much ugly chaos, and distractions, VSCO allows you to focus on post-processing your photos, and empowers you to make NEW photos!
Fifth, VSCO is focused on photography and visual storytelling. Instagram/Facebook are just advertising platforms now. Instagram started off focusing on photographers and taking snapshots of your everyday life, and now Instagram is just this weird competitive platform: who has more followers, likes, and is an advertising/commercial goldmine.
Sixth, VSCO is a damn good and comprehensive creative tool. You can use it to modify and edit your photos with great ease. I prefer the simple UI of VSCO on mobile (when compared to Lightroom Mobile).
Of course this is all just my personal opinion. Please do whatever works for you.
But I can say after I deleted my Instagram, I’m much happier. I’m more focused, more ZEN, less stressed, less anxious, and I’ve been innovating more as a result.
My ultimate takeaway point for you is this:
Delete Instagram from your phone for a month, and just use VSCO instead to share your photos. See at the end of the month whether you’re happier, less stressed, and more creative as a result.
Just download VSCO on your phone (iPhone and Android), and give it a go!