Don’t Hesitate; Just Create!

Don’t hesitate
Just create!
Don’t waste
Your creative insight
Just make lots of shit; spirited haste.

Don’t hesitate,
Just click
And make pictures that amaze

Don’t hesitate
Whenever you see something interesting
Just trace
The edges with your fingers
And make images that linger
In your mind
Your soul sublime.

Hear the chimes of the bells,
Dig deep and quench your creative thirst from your inner-well.

Quell any voices of inner doubt or fear
But be a conqueror of yourself, take your fear and help it steer
Your creative spirit
Whether it is inside you
Or whether you are near it
Make picture lyrics
And rhymes
And do it today,
Time in
Time out
You’ll never run out of inspiration
Or experience a creative drought.

Cindy color halo. Saigon, 2017.

Be creative everyday!