IRVING PENN: so good I had to do a Part II on him.
I love Penn, because he is the type of photographer I aspire to.
I want to combine fashion, portraiture, minimalism, form, beauty, grace, color, and monochromic bliss to my images.
Here are some things that inspire me about his technique and vision:
- There is a lot you can do with a simple white backdrop.
- His best photos emphasize curves, texture, and flowing fabric.
- His photos have a strong play between dark and light.
- His photos of his subjects is quiet, calm, and contemplative.
- He was fascinated by everyday objects of stuff on the ground, like cigarette butts, and also did “street portraits” of ordinary working folk in his studio. A true historical timepiece, to show all the different and diverse jobs during his time.
- His medium format black and white film is timeless. He was the master of the 6×6 square image.
Images courtesy of the MET MUSEUM.