Dear friend, when it comes to our photography and life, it is so easy to get disappointed.
But why is it that we become disappointed?
Because of expectations.
We expect our photos to be great. We expect to get lots of popular acclaim on our photos. We expect to get a lot of “likes” on social media. We expect to become “famous”, publish books, and have exhibitions.
Don’t hope
We all need some hope in life— or else what is the point of waking up every morning?
But in reality, hope often holds us back. Rather than being satisfied in the current moment, we are hoping for the future. But the future might never come.
My suggestion: try to work as hard as you can today, for your own purposes, for yourself, and for your own contentment.
That also means to not over-value the positive feedback from others. Because once you start to over-value the feedback from others, you kill your own self-appreciation.
Whose opinion matters more? The opinion of others? Or of your own opinion of yourself, your photography, and how you see the world?
Tips on overcoming disappointment in your photography
Some practical tips to overcome disappointment in your photography:
- Don’t have any expectations/hopes: Whenever you go out and make photos, don’t expect to make any good photos. Rather, have no expectations. Just enjoy the walk for the hell of it, and snap some photos along the way if you see something interesting. If you don’t make any good photos, just remind yourself: I just went for a nice walk.
- Don’t care for acclaim from others: If you value too much the opinion of others, you kill your own sense of self-value. If you get a bunch of “likes” on social media on your photos, you will become a slave to the opinions of others. Only care for acclaim from yourself — if you are satisfied with your own photos.
- Shoot for the stars: I still think it is good to have big hopes and dreams for your photography. But don’t expect to reach the stars. Try to shoot for the stars, and realize that a lot of “success” in photography is luck, timing, and the opinion of others. Just seek to be the best possible photographer you can, and when you fail, fail big.
Always be grateful the fact that you are alive, that you are able to walk on this beautiful earth, and perceive the beauty of the world with your eyes.
Happiness is nothing but contentment with what you have. Whenever we try to seek something outside of our own control, we instantly become dissatisfied.
What other blessings can you count today?
Learn more: Personal Photography >