Eric kim street photography

Eric kim street photography

As of 2017, I am number one on google for Eric Kim, and number two for street photography.

How did I do it? Let me share the secrets with you. Shh.

I. Focus on a niche.

I became number one for google organically. No paid ads for Eric Kim. I built my fame through blogging on street photography.

Google works like academic citations. The more high ranking websites that link to me, means that my site is more legit. That means, I rank higher.

If more people link to me and my blog via their websites and blogs, and more people mention me on Twitter or Facebook, my site rank goes up.

It took me from 2011-2017 to become number two on google for street photography (I’m technically number one if you don’t count Wikipedia).

II. Write 2,600+ blog posts.

The second step is easy. Just write over 2,600+ blog posts. I wrote on average one to two blog post a day from 2011-2017, six years.

And it was easy. Because I was passionate about it.

You cannot fake passion. Just blog about something you like. And have fun with it. Write blog posts like they were letters to yourself.

Also blog posts don’t have to be great. Just make them good enough. I get my blog posts 80% good enough and just hit publish.

Perfection is the enemy of the blogger.

Just aim to write good blog posts, then hit publish.

III. Bleed onto the screen

Write with your blood. Write about your deepest darkest secrets, and be human.

The more human you make your writing the more your audience will feel connected with you. And Cindy taught me, the purpose of writing is to make a connection with your reader.

Think about it. You can only relate with someone if they make themselves naked and bare their soul to you.

For me, I build relationships quickly with strangers by telling them the fucked up shit I’ve been through. This is why reality tv is so addictive, we feel like they are real. Or vlogs; we feel like we are sharing the life with the creator.

So essentially, write personally. Write letters like to your friend.

Write from your heart. Don’t try to be professional. Try to be real.

From a practical perspective the more real and personal your writing, the more often your viewers will read your blog. And therefore the more your site rank will go up, because you will have more recurring visits. And when you write about some real shit that people can relate with, they will share it on social media, either on Facebook or Twitter, or email with their friends or instant messaging apps.

IV. Be useful.

Write list blog posts, because they are easier to read, and process. Make all the points practical and useful.

For me, I only like useful information. Even philosophy, I am drawn to stoic philosophy because it is practical. Rather than meditating on the nature of reality, I want to learn how to not get pissed off when Cindy calls me self centered. Or not to get pissed off when I get a parking ticket. Or how not to fear death.

Write useful blog posts on your niche.

For example, in street photography I like to write 10 tips on how to overcome your fear of shooting street photography, 5 compositional photography tips, as well as how to master monochrome photography.

I’ve pretty much covered all of the street photography landscape. I’ve written about the major masters of street photography, how to shoot black and white street photos and color street photos, the best technical settings for street photography, reviews on the best street photography cameras, as well as inspirational contemporary street photographers.

If you’re hungry to learn something, always self teach yourself, then blog about it. You learn as you teach. And it don’t matter if someone wrote about it already. Just give your own spin.

V. Never stop

Google has an algorithm built into the system in which the more you write, and the more often you update your website or blog, the higher it will rank you.

So long story short, never stop blogging. If I stopped blogging today, I would probably no longer be number one or two on google.

Related to the earlier points, focus on the niche that interests you. You can be the first photographer focused on “nature fashion photography” (my friend Brandon Phan does this well). My friend Neil Ta combined architecture and wedding photography (he shot my wedding, and was brilliant).

I’m now seeking to dominate google for photography entrepreneurship and marketing, a field that is lacking practical information. I’m doing it because I want to genuinely empower people. And I feel like I’ve learned some practical secrets I want to share. Because society thrives on sharing secrets, advice, and knowledge.

Information is power. Don’t hoard it. Share it openly and freely. Keep your information open source and free, and you shall flourish.


The more you give, the more you will receive in return.

Be generous,

Photography Entrepreneurship 101 >