What is ART?

To me, ART is expressing your inner-soul — visualized into the mind’s eye of your viewer.

I. Art needs to affect the mind and emotions of your viewer.

To me, ART is political. Meaning, the art you make (manifested through photography, writing, poetry, dance, theater, sculpture, painting, drawing, whatever) can change the mind of your viewer. For example, if I make a photograph of a laughing woman, and it can make someone a little less miserable in their day, I have done a (politically) good thing:

II. To be human is to make art.

To me, the reason why I think art and photography can change the world is this:

To be human is to have vision.

Humans had a massive jump forward in evolution once we obtained vision. And as human beings, our visual synapses are one of the most energy-expensive tools. This is why we are addicted to Instagram like crack cocaine.

Therefore if we can create visual images that affect the minds of our viewers, we are doing a social good with art.

III. Who do you make your art for?

Another thing to consider: how do your own photos or art make you feel?

Do your photos make you feel uplifted and joyful? Nostalgic? Inspired?

For me, my photos are me. My photos are my soul. The art I create is first of all for myself, my friends and family then for all of society.

To me, I want to make art to empower myself, and then to empower others.

Why do you make art?

IV. Never doubt or censor your art. No compromises.

The last thing I want to leave you with: never self-doubt yourself. There is no objective “good” or “bad” in art. Either authentic or inauthentic.

Therefore don’t be a poser. Only make art via your world view and opinion. The world needs your opinion through your art.

The world doesn’t need smother Henri Cartier-Bresson, Andy Warhol or Picasso. The world needs you.

Be strong,

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