eric kim arm black and white caffeine coffee fist

Your Camera is Your Sword

eric kim arm black and white caffeine coffee fist

Dear friend,

Fortify yourself with your camera (sword).

1. Your camera is a tool of empowerment

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Imagine your camera as your sword. Your camera gives you strength. Your camera augments your vision. Your camera encourages you to be more brave, curious, and integrated with the rest of the world and society.

Yet, your camera (sword) isn’t effective if you keep it in the scabbard (your camera bag). Your camera is only effective if you have it in your hand, ready at all times.

You don’t want your blade to go dull. You have to keep it sharp. You need to constantly practice your strikes. You cannot let your sword rust.

The same goes with your camera. You cannot let your camera collect dust, and collect rust. You need to constantly click. To hit the shutter. To un-sticky the shutter button.

You need to stay sharp and keen. You need to be able to quickly react to scenes that you want to capture. A street photographer is like a samurai with a blade, except with a camera as their weapon.

2. The camera isn’t a weapon

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Of course you don’t want to use your camera as a weapon to attack people. Rather, think of your camera as a tool of empowerment. With your blade by your side, you feel stronger, more courageous, and more noble.

3. Carve away the superfluous

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Don’t keep your camera in the scabbard. Always have it in hand. And use it to carve your own reality. To cut away the superfluous, and uncover the hidden beauty of the real world.


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