(Cover Photo by Assignment No. 15 Community’s Choice, Salman Taseem Haque)
While sifting and reading these pictures, I constantly have a smile on my face. This has got to go down as one of my favorite because it reeks of so much positivity. That said, let’s look at some of the best in this beautiful assignment.

When you can work despite the hardships, when you can see the opportunity in the middle of catastrophes, and when you can stay positive even when the world is pouring down on you, maybe that is what can be called happiness. In Salman’s photo above, the resilience and Freddy Mercury like gait of the driver manifests strength and positivity. This is a photograph that works really well in black and white as it truly brings out the tones in the image. The main subject is perfectly highlighted while the car at the back is perfectly contrasted to the figure of the man about to jump across. It’s a really nice capture and appropriate as the community’s choice.
Photo by Robert Moore
From a “tuk-tuk” type of bike to actual motorcycles, to actual bikes, this hilariously weird image by Robert with Elvis and Cop is just… Wow! hahaha I have no words. But seriously, it’s one of those examples of just having a camera with you. At the same time, I like to point out the right application of depth of field. The details on our peewee bike riding Elvis is perfectly focused while the image slowly creams out and then treats your eyes to our Cop who took time to also capture the moment. I wonder if the Cop’s image contains Robert? Maybe it would have made for a good photo as well.
Child like wonder

A common motif in this assignment are the kids. I guess because kids have that innate curiosity in them that brings so many photographic opportunities. Kids get ecstatic and the simplest of things. In Jayvee’s it’s bubbles and for Janis’ it’s a few dollars. Both show that great expression and also made nice use of layering. The use of bubbles that occupies the upper space is a terrific foreground while with Janis’, it’s the cash falling down. One doesn’t necessarily need to have a massive foreground to make the layer possible, only the ideal placement of the elements can make it work. All of these contribute to the dynamic and positive energy coming from their curiosity. Although my favorite example of that child like wonder in the pool is the next photo.
Photo by Jeffrey De Keyser
It’s nice when a photo about happiness also makes you smile. The colors are quite nice and I like the shadow casted by the kid. The timing is great as well! Just has all the right elements as well for a decent composition. He’s just a kid and is very curious about the opposite sex but I think he needs to be properly educated when it comes to those matters! Kidding aside, an excellent moment by Jeffrey.

Always dance like nobody is watching. By dragging the shutter and using flash, Arnold was able to show motion. What I do find adorable in the image is the 2 girls flanking the older gentleman who seems to be doing some sort of air guitar. It’s simple and adorable.

It took me a few glances to read Paul’s Black and Yellow image. I was looking as to where this fits in the theme and then I realized the little girl on the bottom right of the image. With a background so busy (and famous, it’s the Brooklyn Bridge right?) You really have to find ways to make your shot stand out, either with a unique style or an interesting composition which Paul did in his photo here.

Irina shows us here that happiness can be found on a simple day at the beach. What I do like in this picture is how everything seems compressed. There aren’t many things happening on the photograph which to me makes it breathe and elevates all the elements. All the footprints in the sand can be seen as well as the lines forming a Z. Perhaps the most prominent is the bird and the crutches. It’s those small details that make you feel the simplicity of the beach. Good job by Irina.
Photo by Michele Berlingeri
If Irina’s photos have great details, Michele here has the absence of them! Aside from the red thing floating on the upper right of the frame, we don’t have enough detail to see what is going on. So why is this here? Sometimes, you have to let your viewer fill in the blanks of what the photo is. We know that time spent with a special someone is always a time cherished. It gives us a sense of satisfaction and joy. In the photo above, I actually like the little bit of humor. One is lying down while the other is on his/her belly. The absence of details adds something to the image.

It’s one of those things again that just make me go WTF?! hahaha I really don’t know what is happening and I have no words. The man despite down on the ground is happy. The others are non-chalant? So perhaps they are drunk? (Man at the back has a bottle). In photographs, context is king and I will admit, I don’t know the context behind this one. I don’t really know what to make of it but we do like it. Just like the man on the ground who has his thumb up, i’ll give him a thumbs up too.

Sometimes, happiness is as simple as taking a pause to appreciate something beautiful. It’s a plus if the dove also pauses with you. Giuseppe’s image here is well balanced and all the contents of the frame are just enough. I can see a little bit of lens distortion but seriously, that’s just me nitpicking. It really is a good image that makes me wonder what the piano man is playing. It has to be that beautiful that Giuseppe was also pushed to make a great image.
Editor’s Choice
There is no hard and fast definition of Happiness. To be honest, during my struggles with anxiety and depression, it seemed to me that it was unattainable and only comes in spurts. It is only for those who are lucky or perhaps deserving. However, I’ve come to realize that Happiness is the attitude one has in every situation in life. Whether in moments of joy or tragedy, when you have the positive mental attitude and facing things with a smile on your face seeking the opportunities to make the most out of the situation, that is true happiness. Our editor’s choice was able to successfully capture that through his photograph.
Congratulations to Salman Taseen Haque!
Email me at contact@agdemesaphoto.com and let’s discuss the next assignment!
Honorable Mentions:
Giuseppe Ardica
Closing Thoughts
Thank you to our Editor’s choice no. 14 Michele for that great assignment. What’s interesting is that back to back, the Editor’s choice is the same as the community’s choice. I like that development but I do not know what to make of that yet. For now, let’s stay positive and I hope this assignment also put a smile on your faces!
If you want to join in, just go to the Streettogs Academy Facebook Group! (or read my introduction here)
In behalf of your moderator, Fabricio Santos, we would like to thank you for participating in this’s assignment and hope you will join again in the next one!
May the light shine bright wherever you are!