(Cover photo by Assignment No. 12 Community’s choice Forrest Walker)
All the things we do are best done when you love what you are doing. This is an emotion natural to all of us that is open to a lot of possibilities and executions. With that said, here are some of the best of the best for Assignment No. 12:

Kai’s photo reminds of movies that showcase young love such as Little Manhattan. It’s as if the symbol pushed the little tyke to think of love. The composition is quite interesting. Most photography 101 tutorials will tell you to never place the subject in the center. However, I think if there are no great elements in the sides of the frame, go ahead and go for a central composition. Same as Kai’s photo here.

I see what you did there Harry! Always at objects that can be different with shadows and light. Pair that with looking for the right angle and you can get witty visual play. Don’t forget that the symbolism should be obvious at first glance for these to be effective.

Wether you think the “Selfie Stick” is an abomination or not, they have certainly made photography interesting. In the photo sumbitted by Ghita, she highlights the love of self that most folks equate the selfie stick with. Simple and straightforward.

Forrest gets this assignment’s community’s choice. It had the most likes and started an interesting discussion that will merit a few minutes of your time. To me, this photo is something already familiar. We have seen this angle and juxtaposition seen in movies or other visual media before. The question I want to throw to you, dear reader, is does that mean a photo is weak because it has been seen and done before or should a photo stand by itself?
Either way, this is a community’s choice that is deserved because of many other traits. The warm color treatment lends well to the over feel of the image: The small details such as the expression, the handbag and how it complements the blue train, the facial expressions, and how the middle finger is wrapped with a ribbon. A very interesting image that fulfills our assignment requirement of showing love, even if it is about waiting for love or longing for love.

If this wasn’t a subway train, I would think the photo was taken in the 1960’s. The treatment, the look, and even the way they dress. The expression that Sasha caught of this couple is funny (or tragic) depending on how you look at it. Unrequited love? Perhaps but I’d like to point out where the direction of the eye of the girl is looking towards: The silhouetted figure. The frame filled and there is a so much happening. Good one by Sasha.

One of my favorite comic panels in the history comes from Alan Moore’s Watchmen. Marina’s photo above reminds me of the so called “Hiroshima lovers“. Unlike Rorschach, a main character in the comic, who thinks it looks haunted, I think it is romantic. This photo further adds that romantic touch because of the architecture and the pattern reflected in the water. What I do like though is the CCTV camera at the upper right of the couple that seems to add a little extra story to the image.

Punk Rock Love. Everything at the photo screams all of that. It’s one of those images that it’s redundant to further talk about it because what it is pretty much is in your face which further adds to the punk rock nature of the image. Monika really got a good image for this one.

Look at how Paul executed this photo. When you fill the entire frame and go in really tight, you will create tension in the frame. It also helps that this group is dressed that same and moving together sharing the same problem and struggle. Love is also the support that you get from those around you. That is this photo by Paul.

I like the subtlety of the person on the left side of the frame in Stefano’s image. The girl studded silver heart pretty much fulfills the requirement of the assignment but I do like the fact that the duo about to enter the shadows will be greeted by her. I like the ominous feel of the photo. Also note the nice placement of the duo as they are properly framed by the arch and the line shadow creates leads to them.

I’m personally never a fan of busy backgrounds but I somehow like this photo by Felix. Usually, the background shouldn’t be distracting but when it is the most distracting thing ever, complete with couple making out in the middle. I find it also peculiar that the characters in the foreground doesn’t seem friends but heck, it’s nice to show love even to strangers. I like this simple moment between them.

I like the subtlety of this photo by Alexander. The treatment looks very film Noir and despite the low key lighting, you can make out the expressions. The sign post behind them adds a sort of back story. Perhaps an origin of who they were before. It is simple, calm, and romantic.
Editor’s Choice
It’s always tricky photograph an emotion because you have to make sure all the visual elements on the frame and the post process will contribute to what you want to show. Photographing in the streets doesn’t lend much in manipulating or arranging the scene. You can only hope and try to look for that scene that will highlight the proper emotion. For this assignment, we looked for something that told the feeling of love in a creative manner that is not just about romance:
Congratulations to Sasha Cherny
Email me at contact@agdemesaphoto.com and let’s discuss the next assignment!
Honorable Mentions
Closing Thoughts
I hope everybody had a lovely time going at it for this assignment. I just want to say that wherever you are and whatever you are doing, show love to yourself and to those around you. Always treat everyone you encounter with respect and dignity that you also give to yourself. Share your passion and you might just end up with a lovely picture!
A bit of an administrative note. As you can see, we decided to decrease the number of photos getting into editor’s choice but go more deeper into looking at why the photos work.
For now, I’m excited for the next assignment and let’s keep going for the love of this craft of ours!
If you want to join in, just go to the Streettogs Academy Facebook Group! (or read my introduction here)
In behalf of your moderator, Fabricio Santos, we would like to thank you for participating in this’s assignment and hope you will join again in the next one!
With much love!