From here on out, Photography Quick Links will now be known as Street Photography Quick Links. Just like from last month, a compilation of interesting news, write-ups, videos, and other things about street photography and other related genres that I have personally consumed. Since it is international women’s month last March, there’s a special section on the work of great female photographers!
Portfolio Finds Women’s month edition:
Since March is international women’s month, might as well go all out and have all female recommendations.
A photographer and film maker based in the Philippines. One of the pioneers for women in the Philippine photography scene. I had the great honor of interviewing her for
Look at this Body of Work:
A very calm and topographic approach of documenting her homeland.
Streettogs Academy Recommendations
For the month of March, I asked the Streettogs Academy Group members as to who their favorite female street photographers!
Portfolio Find:
Amy Toensig from Helio Tomita
Instagram Follow from Tobi Tobiasson:
“For me Elif Suyabatmaz is the best mobile photographer out there. She has truly understood mobile photography as not only a way to take pictures but in the first place a way we look at pictures. Not width to height ratio is prevailing but the size of the picture. Tiny. This requires a specific way to approach composition and subjects which I think not many others have fully understood and mastered yet”
Flickr Follow from from Austin Lavell:
“Her photography, comments, and sense of style, seem (to me anyway) so honest and sincere. Most of the photos are from a distance as if she’s the casually curious observer. But on the occasion when they’re close, I do get the sense of being familiar with the subject.”
Classic Follow from Lisa Zimmerman:
“Margaret Bourke-White was a pioneering figure in 20th century documentary photography and is famous for her scenes of modern industry, of the Great Depression, and of political and social movements in the 1920s through 1950s.”
Last but not the least, recommendation from Marcus Li:
“Picked up photography when she was working as a maid in Hong Kong. Won magnum foundation’s human rights scholarship 2015.”
And the issues go on from World Press Photo 2015
The importance of Memory and World Press Photo Contemporary issues by Amanda Rivkin
The profession is struggling and really, it has to define what it stands for. Amanda Rivkin points to the problems of being a journalist these days and the new problems that WPP gave by approving Giovanni Troilo’s posed pictures as Documentary Photography under contemporary issues.
Jean Frances Leroy Announces that WPP will not be exhibited at Perpignan
WPP Withdraws award for Giovani Troilo’s Charleroi Story
And so it comes to this.
The Rules of Photojournalism are keeping us from the truth
Donald Weber offers an excellent thoughts on how we can solve the current problems of Photojournalism
The Dark Heart of Photography via Invisible Photographer Asia
Robert Gooden writes about the issues surrounding WPP. It also tackles how photographers and the industry should move forward. IPA also solicited advice from photographers most notably Sarker Protick who was also put under fire with his work. This is a must read.
News, Interesting Reads, and other things
If you have a body of work that was made close to documentary, give it a go
Feast your eyes to the beauty of Saul Leiter’s color photographs. There’s never a bad reason to look at his photographs.
Not Fashion Forward by Kosuke Okahara
Last month, a video of documentary photographer, Kosuke Okahara, was shown working in Fukushima and in Paris Photo Festival. This article shows his thoughts when Comme Des Garcon commissioned him to document their show during Paris Fashion Week.
Dirty Tourism Cambodia by Phnompenh Post
The Phnom Penh post writes about “Dirty Tourism” in Cambodia. You may want to read this article if you think there is no responsibility in photographing poverty or at least arm yourself with the knowledge and the ethics needed to accomplish the task.
Filipino Street Photographers Slideshow 2015
Here’s a slideshow of the best from the Filipino Street Photographers group as the celebrate their anniversary.
Meet the Street Photographer who attached a camera to his face
Why be one with the camera when you can be the camera?
Somwhere to Disappear
A documentary on how Alec Soth works. The title is appropriate for the type of work he does until….
Soth talks about his latest critically accepted work. The aesthetic of Songbook is really different from his majestic large format photographs but the style is still really his. It is worth checking out.
Whether true or not, I still believe that Capa’s legacy is not just the one photo but the contribution that the photographer must be close enough to get good pictures.
Lee Kuan Yew and his Filipino Photographer
A story about Lee Kuan Yew’s photographer, George Gascon.
I had to have a camera: Gordon Parks
An excellent primer on the life and work of Gordon Parks
If you have any interesting links, reads, or anything else put them on the comments below or tag them to me over on my twitter account (@agdemesaphoto) and I’ll take a look!
Enjoy the reads and will do this again next month!