I am a big fan and believer of “heuristics” (or rules of thumb). I was first introduced to the idea of “heuristics” from Nassim Taleb (in his book “Antifragile“) and later more from Gerd Gigerenzer (a German psychologist who wrote the excellent book: “Gut Feelings: The Intelligence of the Unconscious“). Below is a list of heuristics (ad random thoughts on photography) I personally believe and try to follow:
- When in doubt, click (credit: Charlie Kirk)
- When you’re scared, shoot
- Buy books, not gear
- Money can only buy you happiness if you spend it on experiences (not material things)
- Don’t buy a photography book unless you plan on reading it more than once.
- Don’t buy a photography book with the intention of selling it into the future.
- When in doubt, ditch.
- A photo is either a “hell yes” or no.
- It is better to travel to fewer places (than seeing a lot of places, but less time in each spot)
- Always have a backup when traveling and taking photos (camera, lens, battery, memory card, film)
- Better to bring more film (than less)
- A week in a foreign city is a sweet spot to getting to know the city
- The bigger your camera, the less likely you are to carry it with you on a daily basis, and therefore you are less likely to shoot daily, and will end up shooting less
- Try to take at least 1 photo a day
- When in doubt of a photo, don’t upload it
- Work on series, not individual images
- Lots of likes and favorites doesn’t necessarily mean the photo is good
- It is better to be deeply influenced by a few photographers (and know their work really well), than being a little bit influenced by a lot of other photographers
- Changing a bad color into black and white won’t make it a better photo
- Adding clarity, sharpness, vignette won’t make a bad photo better
- Post process a photo until it looks about 80% good and stop, or else you run the risk of over processing
- Stick to one film
- Stick to presets
- Having fewer cameras or lenses is less stressful
- The less time I spend on social media the happier and more focused and productive I am
- Don’t compete against others, compete against myself
- Spending time with photographers obsessed with gear will make me want to buy more gear
- The more time I spend on gear review sites, the more gear I want to buy (that I don’t need)
- Whenever I am feeling uninspired by my photography or dissatisfied with my work, I want to buy a new camera (thinking it will make me more creative, and spark more inspiration)
- I only need 2 pairs of clothes while traveling (one pair I’m wearing, and the other in the bag). Wash each pair in the shower with shampoo every night and hang dry.
- While traveling don’t wear cotton (stick to athletic quick dry material)
- The most successful photographers are often the least satisfied
- The more people who say they hate your work (or call your work overrated), the more successful you are.
- People with a large followed by following ratio (on Twitter) aren’t spammers
- The more hash tags a photographer uses on social media, the more hungry for attention they are
- The best photography I can do is in my own backyard (I better than anyone else, and it is usually more unique)
- Shooting film helps the editing process (I unintentionally let my film marinate for a long time because I’m either busy or lazy, and therefore when I get my film finally processed and scanned, I’m no longer emotionally attached to my photos and can “kill my babies”)
- If I spend too much time trying to make my digital photos look like my film photos, just shoot film
- I’m happy if I can make one meaningful street photo a month
- The more a photographer gossips about others, the more insecure they are about their own work
- You are the average of the 5 closest photographers to you.
- Photographers who criticize the equipment of others are often just jealous and want that equipment
- A viewer will respect or value a photo more if you tell them you shot it on film (unfair, but true)
- To get an honest critique, tell people to be “brutally honest” and help “kill your babies”
- Don’t defend my photos during a critique. Keep my mouth shut, nod, and take notes
- Always be ready to share my portfolio with someone else (via my smartphone or iPad)
- While traveling I generally shoot 1 roll of film every 2-3 days
- When booking accommodation, the most important thing is location, location, location
- When traveling in a foreign country and trying out a new meal at a restaurant or a coffee, ask the waiter (or barista) what they ate or drank today (as a good guide to make your own decision)
- The more tourists in an area, generally the less interesting it is to photograph
- If possible, always fly direct. If the cost of a direct flight isn’t 25% more expensive than the cheaper option, go for it.
- It never hurts to ask for permission when taking a photo of a stranger
- Best way to overcome jetlag : fast for at least 18 hours before arriving at my target destination
- Creepiness is proportional to focal length
- If I want to overcome jetlag, drink as much coffee as I want until it is time to sleep at around 10pm my destination time
- When on an international flight, switch my watch to the target destination, and try to stay awake (and sleep) accordingly
- If I’m jetlagged and it’s past midnight in a foreign country, take melatonin.
- When in doubt, smile at a stranger and say ‘hello’
- The most interesting thing to photograph is your own life.
- Have a double-shot of espresso whenever I feel uninspired (always does the trick).
What are some other rules of thumb or heuristics that you personally believe in and follow? Share your tips and thoughts in the comments below!