Emerging Street Photographer: Mattias Hyde from Madrid

Mattias Hyde

Eric’s Note: Mattias Hyde is an emerging street photographer from Madrid who has only been shooting street photography for 6 months, and has shown a great deal of physical and emotional closeness in his images. Read more of his words below!

I started street photography a few months ago, when I returned to Madrid after a year of cycling and backpacking in several countries.

Since the beginning, I’ve been obsessed with the actual process of photographing, rather than with results. I know that I won’t do anything really interesting until I’ve been on the trade for a couple of years at least, so I’m not focusing on the final image, or expecting to get any great shots either. I’m strictly working on feeling comfortable taking the camera with me on my daily walks around the city centre and neighbourhood.

I mainly photograph those who I love the most: children. I love them because they are so exaggerated in their body language and facial expressions, and how they always seem to be fully-absorbed in their games and worlds of make-belief. Also, I couldn’t agree more with Paul Trevor about these younger generations not being photographed enough as the ones preceding them a few decades ago, when none of the “photographers-are-terrorists” paranoia was going on.

I can always feel the tension of parents when they spot my little Leica M6. It really helps them for me to be completely honest and direct about what I’m doing, and to always smile, say thank you and to compliment their family after taking a photo. The closer and more personal I seem to get, the less worried they seem to be afterwards. I think that being straightforward about the whole process of taking a picture of their children (or anyone else, really) helps them realise I’m doing precisely that, just taking a simple photo. No harm in that.

Getting really close also makes me feel alive with adrenaline, though it doesn’t necessarily guarantee a good photo. It is a part of the process that I really love, and find extremely stimulating. Actually, I wouldn’t really mind not seeing my pictures. The best part of it all is going out there and see what reality will surprise me with.

Photographing kids certainly is a challenge, but a task I am determined to pursue and keep working on for many years to come. I’ve had a lovely and most memorable happy childhood in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and I suppose this is my way of cherishing it. We have so many values to re-learn from kids: TRUST, for starters!














Check out more of Matias’ work at  http://www.matiashyde.com

Which of Matias’ photos really stand out to you? Share your thoughts in the comments below! 

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