The Best 32+ Images from My Mumbai, India Street Photography Workshop (Batch 1)

India Mumbai Street Photography

(Above photo by Debi Sen Gupta)

Below are the 32 best images from my recent Introduction to Street Photography Workshop in Mumbai, India. Read more to see all the images below!


India Mumbai Street Photography

India Mumbai Street Photography

Avryl Lattin

India Mumbai Street Photography

India Mumbai Street Photography

Chirag Kohli

India Mumbai Street Photography

India Mumbai Street Photography

Debi Sen Gupta

India Mumbai Street Photography

India Mumbai Street Photography

Gokul Mudambile

India Mumbai Street Photography

India Mumbai Street Photography

Kapil Suvarna

India Mumbai Street Photography

India Mumbai Street Photography

Karan Parwani

India Mumbai Street Photography

India Mumbai Street Photography

Kaushal Parikh

India Mumbai Street Photography

India Mumbai Street Photography


India Mumbai Street Photography

India Mumbai Street Photography

Melchior Pereira

India Mumbai Street Photography

India Mumbai Street Photography

Nadeem Kajiji

India Mumbai Street Photography

India Mumbai Street Photography


India Mumbai Street Photography

India Mumbai Street Photography

Paul Abraham

India Mumbai Street Photography

India Mumbai Street Photography

Rahul Dacunha

India Mumbai Street Photography

India Mumbai Street Photography

Ron Fast

India Mumbai Street Photography

India Mumbai Street Photography

Sidharth Bhatia

India Mumbai Street Photography

India Mumbai Street PhotographyWhose photos are your favorite? Share your thoughts by leaving a comment below! 



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