Downtown Los Angeles Introduction to Street Photography Workshop Day 2 Recap

After a fun-packed two days in Downtown LA, I am pretty pooped. However I had such a wonderful time teaching the workshop and helping my fellow street photographers build more courage when shooting in the streets and also helping them capture more compelling images. On the second day, we focused on editing and post-processing our images, with an emphasis on using Lightroom 3 for post-processing and Silver Efex Pro 2 for black and white conversions.

I spent especially a good portion of time discussing editing– the act of choosing your best images. Editing is something really overlooked when it comes to photography, but is almost as important as shooting. As a piece of advice to all the streettogs out there– don’t upload your images immediately. Wait before you decide to upload them. As Garry Winogrand once said, “Photographers mistake the emotion they feel while taking the picture as judgment that the photograph is good.” Therefore apply this same mentality when it comes to selecting your best work. Don’t simply upload images as a knee-jerk reaction. Let your images marinate for long periods of time before deciding to upload them.

Anyways just wanted to give a shout-out to all the LA street photographers at my workshop. It was a guge pleasure having you Michael, Bill, Chris, Greg, Brian, Jennifer, Dennis, Cameron, Eunice, Jim, Jason, Julie, Adam, at the workshop– your enthusiasm and energy was boundless. Huge thanks especially to Rinzi, Norman, Genesis, Jacob, and the Think Tank Gallery. I love you guys with my heart and soul, and I hope to see you guys all soon!

Heading out tomorrow to Michigan tomorrow and meeting up with my beautiful girlfriend/manager Cindy, and then heading over to Toronto for my upcoming street photography workshop. Wish me safe trip, and will keep you all updated! Keep reading more to check out the rest of the photos from the workshop.

Photos from the Downtown LA Street Photography Workshop

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

Downtown Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Day 2

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