“Alone” by Damien Rayuela

Damien Rayuela

Damien Rayuela, an incredibly talented street photographer and former intern at Magnum put together a wonderful new series titled: “Alone“. His raw and gritty images are bursting with emotion, and tell a very personal story from his life. As stated from his site he describes the series: “Encapsulating those moments when breathing alone feels like a triumph”.

For those of you who are curious, he used a Contax G3 and Tri-x 3200 and Neopan 1600 film to shoot these images. Read more to see the full series.

Damien Rayuela

Damien Rayuela

Damien Rayuela

Damien Rayuela

Damien Rayuela

Damien Rayuela

Damien Rayuela

Damien Rayuela

Damien Rayuela

Damien Rayuela

See the full series on his site: http://damienrayuela.fr/root/preciso/

You can also see Damien’s other feature on my blog: “The Halted Traveler“.

Also follow him on Twitter and Flickr

How did this series make you feel? Let us know your thoughts below!

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