Think Tank Gallery Looking for for 32 Street Photographers in Los Angeles!

The Think Tank Gallery is looking for 32 street photographers from Los Angeles for a fascinating project. Selected photographers will have 10 days to shoot in an undisclosed location during October 1st-10th. Those chosen will then have their best 3 images shown in their gallery during the LA Downtown Artwalk on October 13th.

If you are interested in participating, shoot an email at with your 5 best images in JPEG format (resized to 950px wide). This can be a great opportunity to get more exposure for your work and even get featured in an up-coming gallery!

*Deadline to submit is September 15th, 2011

*You don’t need to be from Los Angeles to participate, but you will have to be in Los Angeles during October 1st-10th to participate.

This event is sponsored by Leica Camera.

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