Travelers Lost in Thought: “The Halted Traveler” by Damien Rayuela

Damien Rayuela

When I was in Paris for the Leica + Magnum event, I had the huge pleasure of shooting and staying with Damien Rayuela. Not only is Damien an incredibly talented and passionate street photographer, but he was also worked at Magnum as an intern (this may explain his great photographic vision).

Looking at his work, I was particularly fascinated with his “The Halted Traveler” project in which Damien captures people staring out into a landscape, deep in thought. Keep reading to see the images from the project, and also a multi-media video he put together as well.

He describes his project on his site:

The term “halted traveller” is usually associated with German romantic painters like Caspar David Friedrich, to describe a person seen from behind facing a lanscape. The lonely wanderer appears to have been halted by the view of the landscape.

This implies to us as a viewer that there is perhaps more to the landscape than we see. One can also identify with the figure. His posture invites you to imagine what he feels facing this landscape in front of his and your eyes.

Images from The Halted Traveler

Damien Rayuela

Damien Rayuela

Damien Rayuela

Damien Rayuela

Damien Rayuela

Damien Rayuela

The Halted Traveler Multi-Media Video

What do you think about Damien’s project–would you be interested in doing something similar? Leave a comment below and show him some love!

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