Street Photographers and their Cameras: Self-Portraits from the Community

Street photography self-portrait

Yesterday on my Facebook fan page, I asked you to submit your best self-portraits of yourself with your camera. I got an overwhelming response, and thanks to everyone who was brave enough to upload their images! I chose the most fascinating self-portraits out of the bunch and included them here! Hope you guys don’t mind ;)

Street photography self-portrait
Andrew Braithwaite
Street photography self-portrait
Barry Khan
Street photography self-portrait
Bjorn Van Sinttruije
Street photography self-portrait
Daniel Sawyer Schaefer
Street photography self-portrait
Gary Miller
Street photography self-portrait
Haur Wey Tan
Street photography self-portrait
Jun Shen Chia
Street photography self-portrait
Muhammad Ibnu Lukman
Street photography self-portrait
Simon Pollock
Street photography self-portrait
Simon Wallerstedt
Street photography self-portrait
Sonia Nansid
Street photography self-portrait
Tomas Rotger

Whose self-portrait is your favorite? Let us know by leaving a comment below!

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