Inspirational Street Photography Wallpapers by Elliott Erwitt

Elliott Erwitt, Paris, 1989 Tour Eiffel
Elliott Erwitt, Paris, 1989 Tour Eiffel
Elliott Erwitt, Paris, 1989 Tour Eiffel

Need some inspiration when it comes to your street photography? Check out these beautiful black and white street photography wallpapers by Elliott Erwitt. Click on the images to see the full-resolution images, and keep reading to see more of his iconic images.

Elliott Erwitt, California 1955
Elliott Erwitt, California 1955
Eliott Erwitt, New York, 1974, Felix Gladys and Rover
Elliott Erwitt, New York, Marilyn Monroe, 1956
Elliott Erwitt, North Carolina, 1950

Credit: Kunst Merano Arte

Which one of these images do you plan on making your wallpaper? ;)