15 Inspirational Images of Shoe Street Photography by the Community

Shoes Street Photography
Thomas Leuthard

On Monday, I wrote an article about how to shoot street photography of shoes which got tons of great feedback. To play off of the theme, I suggested that this week’s street photography assignment was to be of shoes. I announced the weekly assignment on Facebook, and many of you submitted some amazing images. Here are the best 15 that you uploaded–congrats to everyone who made the final cut! :)

Shoes Street Photography
Beverly Komatsu
Shoes Street Photography
Gary Miller
Shoes Street Photography
Heather Buckley
Shoes Street Photography
Iaian Galloway
Shoes Street Photography
Jacek Smoter
Shoes Street Photography
Jason St Clair Newman
Shoes Street Photography
Jeffrey Rikhotso
Shoes Street Photography
Marcia Krause Bilyk
Shoes Street Photography
Toby Mason
Commute: Skate or Die
Aaron RTS
Shoes Street Photography
Vincent Tandijo Saputro
Shoes Street Photography
Zsolt Scheffer

Which one of these images are your favorite? Let us know by leaving a comment below! If you also got a great idea for next week’s street photography assignment, let us know as well!

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