12 Inspirational Examples of Street Photography Shot with Film

"Babushkas" - Anne McKinnell
"Philadelphia 155"  - Michael Penn
"Philadelphia 155" – Michael Penn

Recently on my Facebook page and Twitter I asked for you to submit your best street photographs shot in film. Here are the best submissions I got–congrats to everybody who got their images included! Stay tuned for more weekly assignments, and read more to see the other inspirational images.

"Morbid Trilogy" - Carsten
"Morbid Trilogy" – Carsten
"The Life in Paris" - jack070
"The Life in Paris" – jack070
"Septembre à Montréal" - Marco Carbocci
"Septembre à Montréal" – Marco Carbocci
"Coffee shop cowboy" - Aaron RTS
"Coffee shop cowboy" – Aaron RTS
"Sat Night" - Bob Soltys
"Sat Night" – Bob Soltys
"Untitled" - Devin Jones
"Untitled" – Devin Jones
"49550024" - Thuy Ho
"49550024" – Thuy Ho
"Babushkas" - Anne McKinnell
"Babushkas" – Anne McKinnell
Jessie O'Rourke
Jessie O'Rourke
"Untitled" - Miroslav Kormoš
"Untitled" – Miroslav Kormoš
Exchange Info - Yeow
"Exchange Info" – Yeow

Which one of these images are your favorite? Leave a comment below and also feel free to leave a link to your best film street photograph as well!