[Photo Essay] Colorful Cars from Beirut, Lebanon

When I was in Beirut, Lebanon–the city was full of fascinating old cars. They came in so many different varieties, colors, as well in various places. They caught my eye, and I thought they would make a gorgeous photo-essay.

I tried to shoot all of these cars with roughly the same framing, all using my 35mm. These images were taken from all different neighborhoods in Beirut, Lebanon–and I feel each car has so much character and a story to tell. However when looking at these images, don’t get the impression that all the cars in Lebanon look like this. The streets are full of very nice cars as well– such as BMW’s, Mercedes, Audis, and even Ferraris!

However, I hope you enjoy these images, and that your eyes get a nice feast.

Photo Essay - Cars from Beirut, Lebanon by Eric Kim

Photo Essay - Cars from Beirut, Lebanon by Eric Kim
Photo Essay - Cars from Beirut, Lebanon by Eric Kim
Photo Essay - Cars from Beirut, Lebanon by Eric Kim
Photo Essay - Cars from Beirut, Lebanon by Eric Kim
Photo Essay - Cars from Beirut, Lebanon by Eric Kim
Photo Essay - Cars from Beirut, Lebanon by Eric Kim
Photo Essay - Cars from Beirut, Lebanon by Eric Kim
Photo Essay - Cars from Beirut, Lebanon by Eric Kim
Photo Essay - Cars from Beirut, Lebanon by Eric Kim

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