Month: July 2010

  • A Photographic Existential Question: Integrating Photography, Happiness, and Sociology

    A Photographic Existential Question: Integrating Photography, Happiness, and Sociology

    “What do I want out of photography” has been a question I have been grappling with for the last few weeks. When I was still in school, I had barely any time to even practice my photography, let alone contemplate what I wanted out of it. However now, after graduating college and having more free…

  • “Europe Through My Lens” – Black and White Street Photography Slideshow

    Hey guys, After hours of editing, choosing photos, and syncing the music, I was finally able to put together a slideshow of my black and white street photography from Europe. With the help of my girlfriend Cindy I was able to visit Paris, Rome, Florence, Cinque Terre, Venice, Prague, and London. After sorting through 40,000 photos…

  • Adventures in Madison: Amazing Food, Sights, and Art

    Adventures in Madison: Amazing Food, Sights, and Art

    To continue from my last post from Chicago, Cindy and I took the bus from Chicago to Madison, where she is currently studying foVietnamese for the summer. I stayed there for a week, and was able to meet all of her friends as well as get amazing local food (thanks for the recommendations Cydney!) and…

  • Chicago Street Photography

    Chicago Street Photography

    Two weeks ago, I had the great pleasure of heading to Chicago for the first time in my life. My girlfriend Cindy at the time (and currently still is) studying Vietnamese at the University of Madison-Wisconsin, and after being away from one another for a month, decided to meet in Chicago. I flew over from…

  • Los Angeles Street Collective

    Something is a-brewing…

  • “I Shoot In The Streets” Graphics

    Hey yall, One thing that I have always wanted to do was design T-shirts and maybe have my own little “Street Photography” line. Maybe Urban Outfitters would eat this stuff up? I always have been fascinated with design–especially typography. I still definitely am a huge noob at it, but I think that it is something…

  • Show Your Favorite Photos – Results

    Show Your Favorite Photos – Results

    Hey guys, So I ran my first “Show Your Favorite Photos” mini-contest on my blog today, in which anybody could participate by uploading their favorite photos to my Facebook Fan Page. Here are the gorgeous images of the people who participated and links to their sites (if they had one). Tyler Mann Photography…

  • What Should I Shoot? – Street Photography 101

    What Should I Shoot? – Street Photography 101

    Before you go out and shoot, you must decide where to go out and shoot. I usually go to an area with lots of people walking around. Museums, parks, or any downtown area work very well. The more people you have in a certain area, the more likely your chance of finding interesting subjects to…

  • Getting Close – Street Photography 101

    Getting Close – Street Photography 101

    Something that is imperative to street photography is to get close. Street photography is not only about documenting life, but being an active participant. Therefore in order to capture the true essence of a scene, use a wide-angle lens and get really close to your participants to capture the scene and the mood of a…

  • Only Show Your Best Photos

    Only Show Your Best Photos

      This is a general tip which is quintessential to photography. Like they say, you are strongest as your weakest link. The same applies to photography; your photography is only good as your worst photo. If your audience sees all your work and stumbles upon a photo that doesn’t seem “as good” as your other…

  • My Vision of Open Source Photography

    My Vision of Open Source Photography

    You might have heard the phrase “open source” tossed around. But what does it really mean? To state simply, it is a movement in which individuals wish to provide access to technology or knowledge for free to the masses. A great example of one of the most popular open source platforms in technology is Linux,…

  • The Soul of the Street Photographer

    The Soul of the Street Photographer

    Here is an essay that I wrote on Street Photography that I plan on including in the introduction of my Street Photography Book that I plan on publishing. It is a bit long, but I hope you enjoy it: — The Soul of the Street Photographer I feel that street photography is the most pure…

  • Get Featured on Eric Kim Photography’s Blog!

    Get Featured on Eric Kim Photography’s Blog!

    Hey guys, In order to see more of your guys’ amazing photography, I decided to run a mini-competition for about a week (until Saturday) for people to contribute their images, which will get featured on this blog! Instructions: Go to my Facebook Fan Page “Like Me“ Post your best photo to my wall (instructions) That’s…

  • 25 Things I Have Learned Traveling While Backpacking in Europe

    Hey guys, In lieu of my popular post on the “100 Things I Have Learned about Photography,” I originally planned on writing a “100 things I have learned about traveling in Europe” post as well. However this time around, I decided to embellish more on each of the points that I presented. Therefore, I realized…

  • Have a great July 4th Weekend! – Off to Chi-town

    Hey guys, I’m going to be going to Chicago for this July 4th weekend to meet up with my girlfriend Cindy as well as heading to the University of Madison, Wisconsin, where we could also hopefully connect with Cydney Alexis! Have a wonderful weekend and see you guys soon :)

  • How to Master “The Decisive Moment”

    How to Master “The Decisive Moment”

    “The Decisive Moment” was a term coined by the pioneer of street photography, Henri Cartier-Bresson. During his time, photography was still a relatively new art medium and it wasn’t taken seriously. Furthermore, photographers were often criticized for not having the same discipline and creativity as traditional artists as photographers can create their images in a…