The One Million Dollar Question

So the other day when I stepped out of my office on 3rd street to go take some photos during my lunch break, I was spotted by a group of Christian missionaries handing out fake one-million dollar bills to passer-by’s. They had interesting caricatures of what I perceive to be famous celebrities in place of some of our beloved presidents. As they noticed at me gazing at them, one of their representatives walked up to me and asked me, “If you were going to die tomorrow, would you definitely be sure that you would be in heaven?” Wow–what a loaded question. I then casually responded, “Of course not.” The man then asked me for 2 of my minutes and during that split-second decision I thought to myself, “Sure, why the hell not.”

Million Dollar Bill #1

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Million Dollar Bill #2
Million Dollar Bill #2
Million Dollar Bill #3
Million Dollar Bill #3. Seriously--who the hell are these people?

He then gave me the typical spiel that we were all sinners and all going to hell and that Jesus would be here to save our lives, while throwing out a few key bible passages. I am not anti-Christian or anything, hell I AM Christian (Roman Catholic to be specific), but these speeches could be pretty boring and repetitive. However this time around when the man was speaking to me, I kept on a smile and listened to what he had to say… genuinely. I also made a point to look at the five other evangelists who surrounded me, who all were giving me huge smiles (that seemed a little too genuine– a bit creepy).

I then made a casual joke about the notes and he offered to show me them. I asked him if he minded if I snapped a few photos, and he didn’t. He then continued to talk a bit more and after listening to what he had to say– I asked to take his portrait with the bills all spread out (I told him to do it like a rapper). He then gladly obliged while his peers chuckled. I then got really close with my 24mm and snapped a nice photo of him grinning. I then firmly shook his hand and continued to tell him to continue doing the great work he was doing. I then walked away to go explore and take more photos of the people I have been meeting on 3rd street while listening to their stories. Stay tuned for more of these posts.

I only wish that after taking this photo, he "made it rain"
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