"Silo and Smoke" - Markus Hartel

9 Tips for Aspiring Street Photographers

"Silo and Smoke" - Markus Hartel
"Silo and Smoke" - Markus Hartel

Recently I asked on my Facebook fan page I asked the members of the community what tips they had for aspiring street photographers. They gave some quite insightful/fun answers that I would love to share with you.

1. Virgil Gabriel:

I always keep in mind what Cartier Bresson said photography: “It’s all about luck.” Position yourself to help luck! CAPTURE THAT DECISIVE MOMENT. Find when all the elements of the picture are at its peak: perfect juxtaposition of all focal …

2. Dianna Turman Flake:

Be ready to explain to the police what you are doing and why.

3. Florentin Lenoir:

Stop thinking, just do it! And of course, enjoy it! Sometimes, you only have few seconds to capture the decisive moment, so you’d better not hesitate!

4. Milo Hess:

Shoot first…ask permission later.

5. Gary Coffin:

Become invisible when on the street…Get in the middle of the action…

6. Ed Win:

Experiment shooting at different times of the day, as light changes every minute. Different light produces different effects.

7. Scott Stacy:

never say, “Eh that’s good enough”, or “Ill fix it in post”. if it’s worth doing then its worth doing right the first time…

8. Chris Mcculloch:

I think that if someone does look like they dont like the fact that you just “stole their soul” offer to show them the pic, people like seeing themselves… if not…run

9. Brad Neubauer:

It’s common sense, but I just had this happen to me yesterday… check posted signs if you are taking pictures inside a gated area. I was testing my macro lens on flowers and got carried away taking photos in a garden center run by the city of L.A. Closing time came and went and by the time I was done taking pictures, I found myself locked in!
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