5 Simple Street Photography Techniques

1. Anticipate the decisive moment before it happens

pink green ERIC-KIM-new-york-city-nyc-street-photography-28mm--scaled

You never know when a decisive moment will happen in street photography. Therefore, as a tip, I say try to anticipate it. For example, if you see an interesting color combination, let’s say these girls and green and pink, just kind of hover around them, and wait for something interesting to happen. Shoot a lot, and later review your photos, the decisive moment is an after the fact thing.

2. ”Pretend like I’m not here!”

If you see somebody you want to photograph, my suggestion is to just get very very close, and just start clicking. Once they notice you or your presence, just tell them why you find them so fascinating, like “you look so deep in thought”. And then just tell them to pretend like you’re not there.

3. Don’t treat it like a big deal

I’ve actually discovered that the most counterproductive thing you do in the street photography is to make it a big deal. Don’t treat it like a big deal. Just start clicking, before thinking.

4. Get into powerlifting

Much of the fear we feel in street photography is a physiological thing. That means we feel overactive adrenaline, before we shoot the photo. The best way to stabilize your adrenaline and nerves is actually to go into powerlifting.

For example, I can guarantee you that if you can deadlift 475 pounds, sumo style, you will feel a lot less fear in street photography.

5. Think like a kid

Side silhouette kid rayon

Kids are naturally fearless. I think fear is actually something that is socialized in us when we are young. For example, whenever kids go play on the playground, the thing that parents always say is be careful. Maybe it’s better to say “be fearless!”

Also one thing that is so funny with kids is that they don’t ask for permission. This is also something which is socialized within us. For example, the other day I was playing at the playground with my son Seneca, and a random kid came and just took the GoPro out of my hands and started shooting her own videos and selfies. I found this great, as it taught me something about human nature: just do it, without permission.

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