• Anti German Design

  • Why So Emo?

  • American Economics

  • Perfection?

    How do you know when you have perfect, perfection? My thoughts; when you’re in a position in which you wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world?

    For example, Seneca. There is nothing I would ever even imagine trading Seneca for. 

    Trading in your car?

    Something that it seems that Americans are obsessed with is to constantly trade in their car, “upgrade it“ for something new or “better“?

    For example, at my apartment I currently have one parking spot, one car, zero intentions of having more than one vehicle.

    Also, because I am renting, no electric charger. Also living in Los Angeles.

    The first thoughts; if I could trade my 2010 Prius for anything, any vehicle, assuming that it would be my only vehicle… What would I actually trade it for? 

    For example, I love the idea of cyber truck, but truth be told, given my current living situations and living in Los Angeles, I’m actually not sure that owning a cyber truck would be a wise idea. Why? I’d love taking Seneca to the park, when I take him to the park in Holmby Hills, parking is often very limited. Almost every single time I will have to circle the entire park to just look for one very short and narrow parking spot.

    I think when it comes down to it, and your squeezed, the law of physics, you must obey. No matter how rich or smart or innovative you are, you cannot squeeze your vehicle to magically become more compact to fit that tiny parking spot, or, another thing… a max Mo skinny or slim car to also fit into those insanely tight parking spots. This will often happen when you are trying to park in a parking garage or parking lot… Some fat person SUV  well often park a little bit off, which means that only about 80% of a car can fit in that spot. Fortunately there has been a handful of times, even at the Getty museum in which my 2010 Prius was barely able to squeeze in. Thank God!

    So when I think about the current lineup of vehicles, it seems that at the end of the day… The only real practical car worth getting is not the Tesla model S, it is too wide and too long, not the Tesla model X, similarly speaking, it might be longer and wider than it needs to be, and also driving an SUV is not very fun, not the Tesla model, the problem here is that I test drove it and truth be told it is not very comfortable to drive on the freeway, funny enough my 2010 Prius is at least an 80% more comfortable ride on the freeway! 

    Then by process of elimination, the best car or the best Tesla or electric car to have in Los Angeles is the Tesla model three, and I have not drove it yet, I think when really comes out to it… Having maximum range is what eventually wins. Why? Let us say that you were trying to do a road trip somewhere, and your Tesla could only make 95% the way there before having to  stop by a supercharger to charge. Pretty annoying, especially when you got two crying kids in the back of your car.


    I was randomly studying the etymology for the word durable, durability, durus– I always thought it meant hard, but when you really really go to the origin of the word, it means long. Long duration.

    What that then means is the reason why hardness or being hard is a good thing is that it allows you to last longer. Or for something to last longer.

    For example, for the most part currently steel is the hardest strongest most durable metal we got. Steel will theoretically last a lifetime, given that you maintain it, sand it down every once in a while, repaint it etc. 

    Weightlifting equipment

    One purchase that I am insanely happy about is my Texas power bar, 55 pounds, massive and huge, perfect grip and knurling, Long sleeves, I think the thing could rack at least 5000 pounds if it wanted to. It is one of the few things I can imagine passing down to Seneca, having him use it when he grows up! And also, very likely he will be able to pass it down to his kids, and his kids kids. Maybe dad power squat weightlifting bar will be like the family Rolex, cherished, kept and maintained, and then tent is to never sell it, but to always pass it down generation to generation.

    The family Rolex

    A very curious object in my possession, currently in a safe somewhere is the family Rolex. Apparently my grandfather on my father side, was a very wealthy businessman, I think he bought and sold alcohol, and imagined this… In the 1920s in South Korea, in which South Korea maybe had the same or worse GDP than most African nations, my grandfather owned a German Contax II camera, and also a stainless steel Oyster Perpetual Rolex which still works today!

    Anyways, the family Rolex is an heirloom which will never be sold, it will only be handed down generation to generation, from father to son, indefinitely. Molly hope is that Seneca will one day have a son of his own, and if he doesn’t, has a daughter instead, Give it to the daughter, and just keep passing it down generation to generation, head of the household.

    Interesting where he gave me the Rolex sometime I think in high school or college, he told me that no matter how broke he was, no matter how desperate he was, he never sold the Rolex. I didn’t even know it existed!

    Anyways it becomes interesting because that means there are certain things that we keep, which we never intend on selling. The value of it is infinite, and as time goes on, it will keep going up!

    So the first interest thought then is wealth is a mental thing; if you know that you have 100 gold bars locked in a vault somewhere, and you have the key… If become a little bit less anxious about the future because you know if shit hits the fan, Even though it will cause great difficulty, in theory you could liquidate the gold bars, and economically you will be fine.

    Million times better than this is bitcoin, which is like Internet, digital, programmable gold, which has a half-life of forever, a true scarcity hard at 21 million bitcoins, compare this with gold which we still are discovering new mines in Africa and on the planet! What is interesting about gold is that we always think of it as a scarcity, but it isn’t. There are still tons and tons of gold which have been discovered on the planet; if you increase the price of gold, then the minors will get to work, and I will guarantee they will discover more gold.

    Thing I remember during the war Iraq and all these other conflicts, the general idea was oil was very scarce, and that we were running out or whatever. And then when shit hit the fan, how to know where it seems that the concept of fracking came along, and almost miraculously, we were able to create all this new oil in America that seemed untapped? 

     also, what is very interesting about America is that actually, it seems that we have a shit load of oil, like a lot. And it seems that the strategy of America is to just hoard our own oil, and deplete the oil of other countries, because we don’t want to be in a defensive position in regards to oil.

    Therefore as a commodity, oil isn’t truly scares, you could keep making more of it if you wanted to! And all of these loser environmentalist, and like, it looks like a lot of their predictions about the end of the world or whatever, were mostly unheeded.  just rewatch an inconvenient truth, no no no, the planet is not submerged in water.

    Bold optimism

    This morning, the word that came to mind is bold. Bold innovation, bold money, bold living, bold is better.

    I think the motto of today’s world is meek, meekness. When people are antisocial, they are just meek, cowardly, wimpy and emasculated.

    For example a strange bias or fashion trend I’ve been seeing for men, is this weird aesthetic of everyone sporting a Hitler mustache? I thought we Americans were anti-Hitler and anti-German?

    Also, seems that Americans for some reason, love to give fellatio to German cars, Porsches, 911, etc. Don’t most people in Americans know that Hitler essentially invented or started the Volkswagen car and group, which also owns Lamborghini, Bugatti, Porsche, etc.?

    For example, rich wealthy and prosperous Americans, eventually aspire to own a Mercedes BMW, porch, etc. Even most wealthy entrepreneurs in America, as a man once you become successful, ultimate aspiration is to purchase a Porsche 911, 911 GT three RS, maybe a Lamborghini or a Ferrari? 

    Instead, maybe the motto should be that German cars are only for weaklings, let us not forget that America beat the Nazis, America is by far the superior fighting force against the Germans, during World War II.

    And even Lamborghini I’m starting to realize… I think the whole appeal is towards Italian design? But the colonial powers of Germany, has Usurped Lamborghini into its lineup, and truth be told, nobody cares about Italy anymore. Americans only desire to go to Italy to see the past ruins of the Colosseum, maybe eat pizza whatever, but for the most part, Italy is no more. Same thing goes for the French.

    America is on top?

    If you think about it, all of the world most valuable companies are all American. Amazon Facebook Twitter post Apple Microsoft etc. This is the new digital colonialism; once again, no way in hell would rich mainland Chinese person preferred to have a phone over an iPhone pro. All the world richest men are American.

    But when did America fall out of vogue? 

    First, to be pro America is seen as dumb, backwards, knuckle draggers. For example, no educated or wealthy or prosperous American that I know is actually “pro“ America (besides perhaps myself, ERIC KIM EAGLE SCOUT). There’s a strange kind of shame mentality to being American; we kind of know that we are the best, but the same time, we are made to feel bad about it, kind of the Christian Judeo guilt associated in it.

    For example, we all kind of know that America is a bad guy, we colonize and destroy other people, cultures, or, we end up assimilating them, we maintain global dominance, sap the resources  of all other countries, and we maintain our dominance across the planet.

    Why is it that I have never seen an American, a wealthy American, or an entrepreneurial American aspiring to American things, American values, American products?

    For example, is there even such a thing as American luxury? Not really. For example, if you think about luxury clothes, very easily does Louis Vuitton come to mind and Gucci, but are there any really luxurious American clothing brands which are mainstream? None that I can think of.

    Or, even the notion of American luxury car; does it exist? No.

    Currently what we Americans have going for us is cyber truck. It is by far the hottest car to have an own and drive in LA; the cyber truck will break more than any loser Lamborghini or Ferrari.

    And as time is going on, I am starting to think more and more… The downsides of owning a Lamborghini, McLaren, Porsche 911 Porsche 911 GT three RS, any foreign or even domestic car that runs on premium gasoline:

    1. Maintenance:

    Maintenance costs, and even worse… Maintenance time. For example, let it say that you have to get a oil change in your Lamborghini, or the alternator in your Lamborghini goes out. It will probably be very annoying to have to get it fixed. And also think that the great annoyance here is that even though you’re super rich, having to take your car into the shop, it’s always a hassle, no matter how rich you are. And also even if you’re super rich, having to pay out-of-pocket for expensive repairs, nobody likes the feeling no matter how rich you are. For example even if all is a billionaire, and suddenly there was a $10,000 repair job on my car, I would be pretty annoyed. This is one grand upside of having some sort of electric super sports car, at least you know that maintenance cost will be less. Also, fewer maintenance headaches.

    2. Time space continuum and location

    If you think about time and space, These are two things from physics perspective you cannot change.

    For example, let us say that you currently live in a very desirable location somewhere, and your gridlocked in traffic all around you. The difference between owning or renting an apartment or a home even a few blocks this way or that way makes a big difference.

    For example, I currently live on the street in Culver City, the perfect distance and location to the metro E line,  close walking proximity to the best hot yoga studios, essentially the only and the best place to walk around in Los Angeles.

    I was contemplating on purchasing property in the neighborhood, even a few blocks the other direction. But that would be bad because it would add at least 10 or 15 minutes to our commute, which is a positively bad thing, when we are in a hurry or in a rush. Saving time, or minimizing time distance is key. 

    When push comes to shelf, always being closer and proximity to something is superior; especially when you’re rushing off to a yoga class, and you only have two minutes to get there.

    American cars?

    So the first thought is if you want to be the big swinging deck in the room, the big silver caulk, cyber truck is your best bet. Essentially it is $120,000 silver stainless steel penis on steroids. 

    If you want everybody on the road or the street or the freeway or in traffic to bow down and obey you, placate to you, kowtow to you, cybertruck is the way. I also believe the 0 to 60 speed on the cyber beast is only 2.6 seconds; faster than any Porsche 911! And the stainless steel excel skeleton is literally bulletproof, and also I think the windows are quite bulletproof as well. I’m not sure how it does in the crash testing, But assuming that you have kids in the backseats, you probably feel safe? 


    A very innovative car that I like is the new mid engine Corvette. Even Seneca got confused, he saw it on the road and he thought it was either a Ferrari or a Lamborghini, because of the massive side air ducts, and the overall stance proportions and jet fighter jet pilot Look of it;  it is essentially like having a Lamborghini or a Ferrari without having to pay the sucker price tag!

    I even had a vision of creating a fake Ferrari; you essentially get a red new Corvette, some yellow brake calipers, put on some fake Ferrari emblems, change up the body style a bit, maybe change up the tail lights or the headlights or at a body kit or something… And I think most people would not know that it wasn’t a Ferrari.

    scissor doors?

    Everyone wants the billionaire doors; the suicide doors this is our doors the gull wing doors, the butterfly doors whatever you want to call it.

     but if you put up suicide doors, and you’re the only person who goes inside the car and witnesses yourself going to the car… Is it worth it?


  • TRADE?


  • Keep it Simple Stupid

  • Platform-Agnostic

  • Bold Design

    Bold Money

  • Bold Predictions

    Bold visions

    Bold future!

    Bold ideas

    Bold— to grow, swell, to bloat, to bubble

    Strong and bold — same thing


    1. to sound; to speakroarbark


    Related terms

    • To build

    *bʰuH- (perfective)

    1. to bebecomegrowappear

  • Amazon is king

  • Bitcoin for Street Photographers

    Thoughts on use cases for Bitcoin for street photographers:

    1. Accept payment for goods or services in Bitcoin.
    2. Digital thought — for your digital products and ebooks and the like … just charge a small fraction of a few Satoshis? Coinbase commerce

  • Standard of living through income

    Prices via values

    some varieties of labor services have unpleasant associations for the laborer,

    Afford enjoyment via occupation

    Remunerative labor

    Entrepreneurial activity

    Not commodities , no prices

    Not intended for exchange

    Credit increases

    Price of services of capital

    Risk premium

    35A special characteristic of price formation in the case of the services of capital is due, as we shall see later, to the fact that these services cannot ordinarily be sold without transferring the capital itself into the hands of the buyer of the services of capital. There is a resulting risk for the owner of the capital for which he must be compensated by a premium.

    Land capital and labor

    Rent interest and wages

    Price of a good in accordance to the value for economizing men

    Magnitude of price

    Magnitude of it’s value

    Economic character

    Labor and price of its value

    labor value

    For if the demand for higher wages is not coupled with a program for the more thor- ough training of workers, or if it is not confined to advocacy of freer competition, it requires that workers be paid not in accor- dance with the value of their services to society, but rather with a view to providing them with a more comfortable standard of liv- ing, and achieving a more equal distribution of consumption goods and of the burdens of life. A solution of the problem on this basis, however, would undoubtedly require a complete transfor- mation of our social order.37

    Barter change and exchange and trade

    Reciprocal transfer

    needs of both economizing individuals could be better satisfied than would be the case in the absence of this reciprocal transfer.

    The pain of hunger

    Betterment of their economic positions

    Relative magnitudes

    Economic gains


    Prices and water

    If the locks between two still bodies of water at different levels are opened, the surface will become ruffled with waves that will gradually subside until the water is still once more. The waves are only symptoms of the operation of the forces we call gravity and friction. The prices of goods, which are symptoms of an economic equilibrium in the distribution of possessions between the economies of individuals, resemble these waves

    Saleable commodities

    Sale or purchase

    Price Formation



    Economic gain through bargaining and intelligent exploitation?

    Price formation under monopoly ***

    The only real profits which can happen is through monopolies ?

    How to create a monopoly

    Photo sharing social media on Bitcoin and lightning

    Single indivisible good

    Purchasing power

    Increase your power & purchasing power

    How to increase your purchasing power?

    Monopolized goods

    Bitcoin is the first and true and only digital monopoly

    Invest in monopolies

    Yield the greatest profit

    Yield the maximum profit

    Disrupt the guilds

    When the power of the guilds to control the quan- tities of goods brought to market was wrested from them, their regulations could no longer be enforced.

    You cannot destroy bitcoin

    Bitcoin workshop?

    Bitcoin for Street Photographers

  • Minimum of Substinence

    32In Berlin, a seamstress working 15 hours a day cannot earn what she needs for her subsistence. Her income covers food, shelter, and firewood, but even with the most strenuous industry she cannot earn enough for clothing (see Carnap, in Deutsche Vierteljahrschrift, 1868, part II, p. 165). Similar conditions can be observed in most other large cities.

  • Worsening of quality

    Highly qualified product

    Less qualified product

    Full value of the product

    The general law of value determination

    Natural fertility

    Potential future satisfactions

    The “original powers” of land

    Theory of ground-rent

    The theory of rent

    Favorable location

    Land is not scarce

    Prices of labor services





  • College

    I think the only reason to get good grades in K-12 education is to get into a good college, hopefully to get a good job. But what if you don’t want to get a job, nor desire your kid to get a job? But instead, to build up the family firm, the family business, the family enterprise?


    Don’t buy something new

  • Net Neutral?




    With the 60 pound weight vest on!






    My legs run the world!

  • Harder Exoskeleton

    Cybertruck stainless steel exoskeleton!

  • Life is Endurance

    Induro— to make hard

    durus — hard

    dweh— far, long distant

  • Powered by the Sun

  • Sedans are the future?

    Back to Plaid — Model S, when it comes down to it… that with the smallest drag coefficient shall win?

    Even my old pediatrician… he had a Tesla model S for a long time, said he wanted something different, and ended up buying a Porsche 911 and he ended up regretting it and reselling it, complaining about the gas mileage etc. Said the gas was too expensive.

    And he ended selling the 911, and getting some model S plaid instead! And saying he was far happier with it also being able to do family road trips with it too!

    I haven’t seen a Tesla model S plaid in lunar silver yet?

  • Bitcoin is an American innovation?


    Video Podcast


    Your legs

  • Erasing is also a creative act


    Onto the next one

  • Towing Capacity?

    Save money is to save energy?


    Why have a trophy asset?

    Why trophies? 


    Too good, government is gonna ban it?

    Chaos & Bitcoin


    Monetary Strength


    Artificial . Not credible

    Weak currencies will collapse


    If trump gets elected, economy will get stronger

    –> more antagonistic to China?


    90 days, NASDAQ


    For 30 years, 10 years?

    Open digital network


    Gradually then suddenly



    Regulated stable coin


    Thinking like a capitalist?


    New products. New financial products?


    Bitcoin as a digital hotel?

    –> generating yield?


    Regulated stable coins


    Broken glass



    traditional IPO?


    Separate the men from the boys

    Don’t be a boy– be a true mensch?



    Life stages

    For the patient investor

    Don’t leverage or over leverage


    Flush out the system

    Creative detox, creative destruction

    Crossing the Chasm

    Take the long view


    Intelligent, affluent buyer 10 years from now —

    75% draw down –> can I stand that?

    Cut in half over night –> deleverage

    25% loan to value?


    Manage without any leverage

    We need better leaders?

    Economy, economy car,,, economy living

    Economic Living




    Internet … base layer. Email

    Lightning network

    Open, Permissionless protocol for transactions world wide


    Program the money


    “Your neck looks old”


    SMTP–> email systems to inter operate

    Email integration

    Open protocols win, proprietary loses

    Ethical, Permissionless

    Trust them

    Trust is critical

    Everyone shares , nobody controls


    Open AI


    Billion fake accounts on Twitter, YouTube, TikTok. Instagram, Facebook

    Free accounts –> must be crypto or monetary secured

    Post a security deposit

    Integrate it all

    Positive friction

    Create friction

    100 satoshis.

    Consequence, truth and integrity in cyber space


    Inscribe truth

    Messages, emails with satoshis

    Sign a message now


    10 years from now,,, cryptographically prove you said it and own it


    Prove you own your own money **-> first idea

    Cyber security and truth network

    Bet on the best horse


    Is GOAT zero sum?


    Free sats?


    Fake Ferrari


    Wax Seal not broken


    The greatest stoic of all time? –> EK?






    Future conflict ..space , cyber power

    Cyber defense system ,,, cyber, digital power?






    Simple. Simplicity

    Cryptographically sign email




    Make it kid proof

    Kid unbreakable


    Lightning address



    Satoshi reward

    Don’t be late, I want the Satoshi reward


    Bitcoin is a religion

    Religion > Cult


    150M bitcoin wallets

    Every Amazon account into lightning address


    Survey for satoshis

    Think Satoshis


    The more useful and up vote ,,, more Satoshis


    A new Reddit or social media network with lightning and satoshis?


    Micro transaction and streaming


    Capital Moves


    Well engineered. Decentralized protocol

    4 Mb, 10 minute frequency

    Decentralized node network


    14 years to diffuse and mature

    Growing pains

    21M, beautiful halving protocol, every 4 years


    You must cap it ***

    Digital commodity


    Digital scarcity

    True scarcity


    Analogue Power


    Infinite gold in the universe

    Sequentially numbered gold coins forever


    Bitcoin Hedge Fund

    –> blend of ETF, owner private, etc?

    10T, 100T monetary energy, 500T monetary energy

    Monetary Energy


    Denier, haters don’t buy


    THINK from fundamentals


    100s hours, maximalist investor

    Back testing is fake

    Dollar cost average

    Do what’s best for Seneca & Cindy


    Break all the models


    Young investor

    Short sellers ,,, people who short bitcoin will eventually buy it!

    –> on a long enough time horizon, haters become lovers!


    Reverse order

    The most exciting market in the world


    Saturday afternoon


    Fundamental investors


    Technocrat -> Maximalist

    Water flows down hill


    Skeptical of steel, aluminum and electricity


    Lower to the ground is always best?


    Taller up is more fragile


    Bitcoin adjacent companies



    Tighter is Better****


    Bright orange is best ***


    Mile stone

    Very big positions


    Think Achilles


    Think Sparta

    300… hot gates


    Men don’t care for old women,,, older women?


    “Companion”– companionship is bad?


    Energy costs

    How to hedge?



    Electricity expensive ,,, upgrade your technology

    Technology and capital intensive


    Edge of the power grid

    Antiquated equipment gets squeezed out


    Fertility for child begetting


    The cost of energy —

    Self healing and naturally healthy


    Energy to capital intensive


    The cheapest electricity or the cheapest and best ASICs


    Count the number of ways you can fail


    Jack up the price, re negotiate

    Triple lease price?

    Secure the energy supply


  • Don’t Be an Office Slave

  • Snap Your Fingers

    Bitcoin is magic, magical money!

  • Relentless Performance

  • Just Treat them Like They Have Autism

    A “bad” stoic strategy which works

  • Creative Double Dipping

  • Energy Drain

    Some thoughts–

    Don’t drain your energy

     Assuming we think about the law of conservation of energy… What that means is this;

    Energy is matter, matter is energy. Matter cannot be created nor destroyed, that means that energy cannot be created nor destroyed.

    In the context of people, the social world etc.; I think also our human physiological energy is also similar. I think of it like a battery; you start off the day with 100% charge, and the more you engage in certain things, you slowly deplete your battery. And I suppose the catch is you cannot recharge your battery during the middle of day, besides maybe taking a nap or working out?

    The problem with coffee caffeine and stimulants is the way it works it tricks your brain into thinking it is not, it synapses, and also… Produces a short term adrenaline response. We get addicted to this adrenaline response, this is why we love HYPELIFTING, powerlifting, extreme sports etc.  I met this theater guy the other day, Abel Horowitz in LA — and I asked him why he loved theater so much and he told me that it was the closest thing that he got to drugs. And it makes sense; when you’re on stage in front of a bunch of people, it is the ultimate drug!

    Social energy, money and monetary energy

    Different people have different personality types; I think the closest analogy we got right now is that an introvert is somebody when they spend time with other people their energy gets depleted, where is extroverts, we are almost like Social vampires; we suck the energy out of others and become more powerful and strong.

    For example, for myself… When I around other people talking to them engaging with them socializing having fun whatever… It adds energy to me. I get stronger, happier, more robust, more excited, more energetic etc. This is also why I think when doing extreme weightlifting, I get the most hype when I am at the gym, the new modern day arena.

    I think it is true when you have an audience or other humans around you, you actually gain more energy and hype.

    Conserve your energy, or be careful how you direct your energy

    I think the point is to never use your energy; then certainly we must also use energy. But I suppose it is a filter thing; to whom do you want to direct your energy towards, when do you want to direct your energy, how much energy do you want to direct, How long do you want to direct the energy?

    If you think about life in general, what is the definition of life? Life is also energy; whether you like it or not, we all will die and must die; and so if you think about our lives… How we direct our energy and towards what, is how we live our lives.

    Curating your energy

     I suppose the intelligence of life is to figure out how to intelligently direct and curate your energy. 

    It comes down to a simple filter:

    Do you really care for this person or not? 

    It is impossible to care for every single human on the planet. You simply do not have enough energy, or power. 

    As a simple analogy, let us see that in a single day, you only got “100 care points”. Whenever you care about something, or direct your care toward something… Your care points either get depleted or added.

    Something which is very interesting as a new parent, Seneca being three years, four months old… Is that it positively ADDS and I gain more joy energy power and care.

    However, there are certain people who are like energy black holes – they complain, moan, about everything in their lives… And the whole thing is draining; also, positively depressing!

    I think people truly lack criticality here; there is this Vietnamese (perhaps Chinese Confucian) proverb that if you brush shoulders with somebody who is dyed with black ink, you will also become black. This is also where obesity can also be seen as a social pandemic; if you’re 10 best friends all love to drink alcohol laced with sugar, smoke weed and eat McDonald’s late at night, eat ice cream, buy oversized chip bags at Costco, like to watch Netflix etc.… Certainly you will also become fatter on average.  Why? Let us say you want to socialize with them, you will probably drink some sort of alcoholic beverage with them and go out, drink a beer or a cocktail with sugar in it, eat ice cream and desserts cakes etc.… Or you buy brunch with them and eating a bunch of $20 croissants etc.

    Therefore, what is the solution? Simple; cut Social ties you don’t care for, and promote the ones you do care for!

    Money is solidified care energy

     Let me say that I spend $100 for a gift for a present for a friend; what am I really doing here? Essentially, money is solidified care energy; what that means is if I’m willing to sacrifice $100, for present for my friend… It is signaling true care for that person.

    This is also why in Asian cultures, it is common to just give people cash presents, cash money in envelope, or even gold or gold rings, because typically speaking, the more money you give us a gift, the more you are signaling that you actually care for them.

    For example, one of my best friends Kevin, almost on the clock every single year, for my birthday/Christmas always purchases me an outlier.NYC black merino wool T-shirt, which is like over $100 now. Truth be told, it is a very generous present, especially for a T-shirt!

    I think he’s done this for almost 5 years now; I think I have about at least five black Merino wool outlier.nyc shirts from him ,,, almost all of which have been torn to shreds.

    Even my best man Justin, seeing that I was in lack of shirts clothing, Also purchased me a three pack of Outlier.nyc shirts — over $300 just as a present! True skin in the game!

    How time is more valuable of a present than money

    I think the reason why carving out time to spend time with people is the ultimate gift and present is with money, you could always print more of it, or earn more of it.

    For example, it is easy to earn 100 bucks, impossible to “add” another year to your life.

    This is why honestly speaking… Time life and energy is the ultimate scarce, nonrenewable good.

    For example, even if you were a trillionaire with access to the best fitness lifestyle, weight lifting equipment, pasture raised grass fed food beef meat etc.… No matter how rich you are you cannot live to be 2000 years old. I think the world record for a man living is 122 years.

    Certainly there are simple things that you could do to live close to the biological maximum which includes intermittent fasting, no breakfast no lunch only dinner… Quitting alcohol which is toxic in Nidos, not smoking marijuana, quitting sugar starches and carbohydrates, not taking any medication, etc. Mostly a via negativa thing.

    But certainly there are some potency issues here; for example, no matter how intelligent wise are rich I am, very dubious that I will be lifting 1000 pounds on my shoulders at the age of 110. Or producing more children at the age of 100. 

    Monetary energy

    A lot of people make the simple trade of trading time and life for money. But the second you go out and buy the Porsche 911, the cyber truck, the new Toyota truck or SUV, the new Lexus whatever… You are immediately depleting your life energy and force!

    For example, it is insane… I look at the prices for these new trucks, I am befuddled; Toyota tundra or Tacoma truck can cost up to $80,000?  the second that you buy that $80,000 vehicle… You immediately deplete $80,000 worth of your Lifeforce energy.

    Or, another thought– this is where I am starting to become a great investor thinker; even though I could afford to buy 10 cyber beasts, I look at the cyber truck, let it say that it cost around $100,000, that is otherwise energy and money Lifeforce you could put it into bitcoin, which will easily double, 10 X, 100 X, or even 1000 X 13 years from now.

    I like to think by the time Seneca turns 15 years old; when he will have a drivers permit, and be able to drive. This is only a few years from now.

    Your time horizon?

    I think the reason why a lot of middle-aged or older guys go out and buy the Porsche 911 convertible or whatever or the Porsche GT three, GT three RS, whatever… Is it is a signal and assign that they are about to die, or the end is coming close.

    For example, if you’re in your late 60s, early 70s, I think the way that most people think is that they have another 20 years of living, I think most people think that they’re going to die maybe in the 80s or 90s. Therefore people think “why the hell not?”

    However, I think when it comes down to it what we see is economic immortality. Through your children, and through the energy wealth and power you transferred to them, and hopefully you want to keep growing the chest for three or five or 10 generations from now.

    “We off the grid grid grid this for my kid kids kids — for when my kids kids kids have kids“ – Ye

    Still today, I think people have a hard time thinking about generational wealth, or think about future generations.

    Why? I think it is focused too much about individualistic hedonism; for example buying the Lamborghini with a scissor doors is almost like the ultimate hedonistic ejaculation? But what we all know is after a big massive blowing your load… What is the next step? You take a very big nap or deep sleep.

    But what if you don’t want to nap or sleep? What if you want to conserve all of your Lifeforce energy, to the maximum? And then you conserve your Lifeforce energy! Don’t do energy suicide.

    Let us examine the first principles for balls, testicles, semen, sexual intercourse etc.; it is not for pleasure, it is for impersonating a woman and begetting children! Are people fools and overlook this? 

    Better to be the beast in the Prius, rather than be the weakling in a cyber beast

    I think I am perhaps the most manly, masculine, alpha male type presenting individual that I know who drives a Prius!

    This is why I call a reverse flex; the best way to exert your dominance and wealth and riches is not by presenting how expensive or rare or powerful or muscular or allowed your car… But rather, your body your muscles your whole persona.

    When you are at a wedding, who is loudest, most boisterous, the most socially dominant person is certainly the alpha. At a wedding nobody knows or cares about what car you drive; same when you go to the mall or the gym, your hiking, or in any social circumstance.


    Check me out!

    If you are a man and you want to be checked out, either by other men or by women… Just buy a 60 pound weight vest and walk around town!

  • 21st century, podcasting

    20th century,,, 100 students at a time


    20, 40 years … 4,000 people


    We are all educators

    Give music to a billion people, free digital music

    Digital Education

    Digital Money

    Give money to a billion people

    Go forward not back, make the world a better world!


    Mortgage homes and buy Bitcoin


    Sept 2020–

    Bitcoin is scarce desirable property, hold my whole life.

    Negative working capital, debt, rather than equity?


    2.7% mortgage rate

    2.8– 5.2%, cost of home went up 80%

    Holding cash is losing 20% of value year over year


    Cheap Money

    Preserve generational wealth

    Cheap mortgages

    Watch old interviews


    10,000 a coin, gold is down 15%, bitcoin is up 100%–>

    Lose 15% of your money or double your money


    100% means double


    Less than a year or 2 years

    30 year time horizon … investor

    Why invest?

    2 months is trading


    US Economy

    March 2020– been in recession

    Real output, strength of currency

    Losing 20% of purchasing power,

    40% purchasing power lost in 2 years, 5% growth


    Tied to commodities

    11-13% Korean WON down


    Collapsing against the dollar

    Developing down 40%


    US dollar coin

    Tether or Circle



    Medium of exchange, US DOLLAR

    4 years less. US DOLLAR

    4-40 years, property –> Bitcoin is the best property


    Weaker because of counter parry risk, and task risk,,, not portable ***


    You can move bitcoin not certain others?

    The economy not working well, 2020 Feb

    March 2020, 0% Japanese tourism


    Money supply increasing

    600-800B spending bill?

    Governments will collapse

    Capital controls

    Sri Lanka. Nigeria, illegal to accept US DOLLARS




    You can’t print more energy ****

    You can’t print more food


    Digital Energy ***

    Convert energy into a block of encrypted energy, hold forever, doesn’t lose energy!


    Don’t drain energy –> electric battery?


    Phong Le


    President and CFO


    20 months

    People are foolish with money?

    The pandemic changed everything

    0% money

    Digital transformation


    $500M cash

    Sovereign debt

    Buy the Shelby!


    Digital gold or bitcoin –> dominant, capped at 21M

    Natural inflation hedge

    First Principles… solution to inflation

    Wasn’t obvious?

    5%, inflation, 20% inflation


    Defensive than offensive

    Opportunistic and strategic

    Main Street company AND a Wall Street company!

    Digital property

    Property acquisition, property development company


    Acquiring more digital property, bitcoin

    6.5B Bitcoin business


    Bitcoin is great because not held back by the laws of physics

    200M bitcoin holders

    Digital transformational zeitgeist


    Risk reward


    Bitcoin is Hard Money

    Becoming harder


    Increase in value. Underlying value


    Hard property

    Cyber economy, 21sr century cyber economy

    Billion dollar digital hotel


    Think Digital

    Matter ***

    Digital Matter


    Bitcoin for Photographers


    66 countries dollarize.


    Not just asset but network


    3M people Download App


    130% interest last decade … more than double


    6B people, 8B if Chinese didn’t block it



    Think Lightning


    Property rights

    2.5B people don’t have property rights

    How to save $300 for a year?


    Energy drain? –>?

    Don’t drain your energy


    Economic imperative

    500T dollars

    Bitcoin is a better store of value than the US DOLLAR



    PayPal, square


    300 years conventional banking

    Geo political technology interplay


    Technology for property rights , moral imperative

    Poverty & Bitcoin


    Conserve economic energy

    No security for your family


    Aspiration for your future, strip hope

    America was founded on hope. American dream

    Bitcoin is a very American thing –> the Bitcoin American dream

    World Power, strengthen America

    Reject steel, internet or electricity


    Bitcoin & Muscles


    Not a trader

    No short time horizon


    At least 4 years, forever asset


    Give it to your heirs

    What NOT to do

    Don’t sell the Bitcoin

    Jan 2020 — peak of economy


    Before Covid



    Not perfect


    Travel is Dead?


    The free market

    Restraints on trade, massive economic inefficiencies

    War on Carbon?

    War on foreigners?

    Jan 1, 2020–

    The war on currency?

    M2 money supply — 41% expansion of money supply


    Don’t expand the supply?

    45-46% single family prices exploded –> slightly outperform money supply

    19% NASDAQ

    13% S&P

    185% Bitcoin up


    How do homeless people dress?

    250M Bitcoin

    Aug 10th.


    GOLD DOWN 10%

    August 10, 2010

    -1% nasdaq

    18 months

    11% up

    26% single family home

    20-25% money supply


    86% up, even though thrashed

    Less than 2 years trader . RIGHT AND Wrong ,,, ?

    Proprietary expertise



    10 year. Saver *


    The stock market is not the economy, the economy is not the stock market!

    2011, 2012… trouble



    Empire of debt


    Real inflation

    GROWTH is slowing down?



    Let assets drop ***

    Just let it drop


    Energy issues. Oil in Russia

    Simplify simplify simplify!

    Simplifying your life. Workouts and money?


    Avoid eye contact with black holes?

    1T cannot replace Apple


    Humanity Ingenuity

    10x price of gold

    Commodity –> you cannot issue it


    Tie yourself to the mast, ears wax bees

    1730 … dangerous


    Okay when it is down there


    Charts are fake


    When Bitcoin is down,,, so is everything else.?

    Dollar cost average into scarce desirable assets –> rational

    Nobody can time the market


    Afford to maintain


    4 year moving average bitcoin


    How to be Antifragile in a chaotic world

    HOW TO BE stoic in chaos or chaotic world?

    More than Stoic — Antifragile


    Decades,,, no management team, competitors, product cycle


    It’s a different thing



    Maintain property for 10 years


    Demonetization of gold –> flows into Bitcoin


    Your feeling of vigor?

    Price adjustment


    Parade of horribles

    Reverse next decade

    Wash trading


    The March of hedonism?


    Existential threat

  • Pure Design?

  • Becoming a Beast

  • Bitcoin is the Best

  • Bitcoin is a Game?

  • Insane frugality, powerful frugality?

    Insane economics, unorthodox economics? 

    Who who adapts the quickest and the best shall win

    Live free or die

    Money Freedom


    To simply ignore or don’t knowledge badness is the way

    Just don’t respond

    Unresponsive is good

    Most books and information is toxic?

    Have your kids spend maximum time in the real world?


    The best car is the one You won’t die in

    If you don’t plan on buying a house or a home … then what do you want to do with your money?


    Prospective value

    prospective value of their product at the end of the production period.

    Prospect . Prospective

    The productivity of capital

    Distant time periods

    Provisions for more distant time periods?


    Capital services

    Prospective value

    Price formation


    Entrepreneurial activity

    Risk bearing , risk bearer

    The Uber Capitalist


    Durability wins

    Infinite ultimate durability

    Are people just stupid?

    I never desire to buy A.  Brand new car

    Economic Hacks

    Play ground


    What’s the point of economizing? To have the maximum amount of children !

  • *When * is “Rich”?

  • How to allocate assets?

    Malicious operators

    Environmental intelligence


    Cleaned Up

    Greedy just lose all their money

    If you lose all your money you will stop

    Natural remedy


    Catalyst for next bull run


    Very expensive education

    Media news is toxic


    Proof of work > proof of stake

    FTT is proof of stake



    Ethereum is a security, staked token –> nothing backing it besides trust in small organizations


    Security vs Commodity

    Crypto security, crypto tokens

    Unstable UST,,

    Circle, tether —


    Bitcoin is the only digital commodity

    Asset without an issuer


    Gold and oil is not a security

    Facebook stock is not a commodity

    Oil, natural gas


    Laws don’t change the reality of things


    Confusion. Tug of war


    Air Tokens


    Truth honesty and justice




    Shower hundreds of millions of dollars on them


    2022 .. transitional year

    2024 momentum


    2025 –> in the main early years


    Always look at 3 years


    Best on earth

    Up 167%


    97% outperform


    Outperform is the goal **


    Volatility and growth

    Hundreds of millions a day


    Conventional critics hate volatility


    40% expansion

    40% single family home increase price


    A bumpy life boat

    Expand your world and soul



    Focus purely on Bitcoin

    My conviction has only grown


    4 year plan


    68% of voting shares

    33 years CEO…  chairman of the board

    2 years


    Phong Le



    Selling software

    Once a quarter bitcoin transaction

    Chairman of the Board

    Borrow 200M


    Chief operating officer

    Andrew Kang


    7 years

    Optics **

    Optics of random trolls




    17,600 a BTC

    23,900 BTC now


    Most folks can’t stomach it?


    Dollar cost average

    Generational wealth

    4 years at least

    Simple 4 year moving average


    If you cannot Stomach the heat ,,, don’t be in the kitchen!




    Utility value



    Functional Training is movement training


    Get rich slowly


  • Social

  • The Overbody

  • Think Recreation

  • Parents Know Best

    Don’t optimize.


    GOALS: to get out there!

  • Your Legs Run the World


    Leg Thoughts

    Perhaps the true sign or signal as somebody’s wealth and or health is in their legs?

    Also, with weightlifters, bodybuilders, etc.… both men and women in general, the number one and only thing to do is look at their legs!

    Strong legs, strong soul?

    “Check out the legs on that one!”

    It’s interesting because I think when it comes down to it… one of the great ways that men rate the attractiveness of a woman is based on her legs. How long they are, how healthy it looks like their skin is, their overall gait and shape etc.

    Also, when it comes to age, people getting into older age etc.… as long as people have strong sturdy tree trunk like legs, full of muscle strength and vigor, they will be fine. Even my mom who is now 69 years old, she has very strong legs, and is still doing a lot of world traveling hiking backpacking mountaineering with her friends etc.

    First look at their legs, then look at everything else.

    Also, posture. I wonder if this is somehow connected to the strength of your legs? 

    Looking at their legs

    You could tell easily; if you look at somebody’s bare legs, assuming that they’re wearing shorts, short shorts, a bikini, whatever… you could look at their legs and judge their health. 

    I think the big issue with leggings is that it is difficult to ascertain the health as somebody’s legs, their skin quality.

    For example, if you look at women, just their legs, you could actually tell how old they are. Younger women, their skin and their youth in their legs has a different tone than a woman in her 60s, however fit she may be. 

    Also with men — short shorts are the future!

    Leg shaming?

    I think a lot of capitalism and consumerism, selling clothes and overpriced clothing is centered around making people feel shameful about their naked bodies.

    For example, men, it seems the de facto fashion is for men to wear long pants, to cover up their legs. Even when men wear shorts, very rarely do they wear short shorts. Or speedos!

    In fact, I’ve been spending a lot of time going to the beach, Santa Monica, etc.… And I don’t recall the last time I’ve ever seen a man in America wear a speedo? Only Europe?

    Also, the funny thing with men that somehow nowadays, it is seen as embarrassing or shameful for man to show his crotch, or his crotch bulge?

    This is where the whole fitness transformant emerged, wearing leggings and simple athletic shorts over your leggings to not show off your crotch bulge?

    However one great innovation that I’ve done is just wear tights by itself, show the crotch bulge it is fine! I find it very bizarre that there is this weird double standards; a woman can show all her body parts, butt, butt cheeks, breasts, crotch etc.… but for men you have to hide it and cover it up? 

    Chicken legs

    Also a funny trend is that honestly speaking… it is actually very rare rare that I see men with strong looking legs? Even in the weightlifting bodybuilding community?
    For example, the only every time I see people or men with really really strong formidable looking legs is at the gym with powerlifters, but a lot of these powerlifting men tend to either be short and squat or average size but more on the fat side? 

    For example, very rarely do I ever see men who are muscular and lean like myself, with really really insanely buff muscular legs? 

    Takeaway point: every day train your legs! No legs, no future.

    Your legs are the most important asset as a parent

    If you want to raise your child to become the greatest grandest individual here she could become… The parent, a.k.a. you require the strongest, the best legs possible.

    Even as a thought experiment, as you train your legs, you will also train your upper body.

    For example, I’ve actually discovered when doing my atlas lift, or even squat walks, when I rack up the barbell with lots of heavyweights, seven or eight plates, I feel a really really a big workout in my shoulders, shoulder stabilizer joints, upper body etc.?

    Also even as a simple thoughts; if you are a man with enough power and strength in your body to lift 1000 pounds off the squat rack, certainly one must still have great upper body strength to do it.

    Or let me give you another example… Let us say that you trained to the point that you could lift 2000 pounds off of the squad rack, and you literally only ever do that exercise, you never do any upper body exercise. Certainly you will build upper body strength as well!

    Lower body strength and leg strength also includes upper body strength?

    Why only focus on the upper body?

    If you were a spartan, engaging in hand hand combat, nobody’s going to care how much you could bench. In fact, if you have your spear, sword, shield or whatever… certainly much of the power will actually come from your legs, leg drive.

    Actually in fact even some of the top weightlifters who could bench six or seven plates or whatever… apparently the secret is actually leg drive?

    Even the number 1 thing I learned in tennis is that if you want to hit the ball really really hard, it is actually not your arms and shoulders and bicep strength or whatever, it is about 99% hip and leg drive? 

    I think the only reason why there is such an obsession with upper body, upper body strength and muscles has to do with film cinema, cameras, video and film, social media etc. For example if you’re doing a film, if you’re using some sort of close-up lens, maybe you could show the actors midsection up, rather than a full body shot.

    Also, if you’re doing a selfie on your iPhone, typically it will only show your upper body.  Also, media at being at the pool or whatever… It is typically a full frontal shot, your abdominal muscles, your six pack, your chest etc. It is difficult to display your legs on camera!


    Yoga leggings vs biking shorts?

    A new trend I saw for a minute, especially in Orange County was that a lot of women were trading in their yoga leggings, their Lululemon leggings for what looks like these biker shorts, or booty shorts? Kind of like a very very short short tight for women, or imagine like a woman wearing very short boxer briefs?

    In fact, when it comes to yoga, I’m not 100% sure why people wear leggings in general. Maybe to give them more friction when it comes to doing certain yoga poses? Because actually in fact, if you’re doing hot yoga or if you’re in a heated room, having leggings are bad because it gets really really insanely hot. The ideal outfit is to just do hot yoga wearing a speedo, whether you are a woman or a man.

    Make speedos cool again!

    The happiest people are the ones doing beach volleyball?

    Now that it is forever summer here in LA, I’ve been having a natural propensity to hit the beach! I think when the weather is good, there’s nothing better than the beach.

    Looking at all the people, it seems that the happiest people are the ones who are playing beach volleyball! They all have the best hands, or having the most fun, and I have some theories:

    1. First, the social element! Beach volleyball is in the great outdoors, at the beach, with the beautiful water, the lovely sand inbetween your toes, and I think it is one of the few sports in which the de facto thing is to do it barefoot? I don’t think there is even any Olympians who have special beach volleyball shoes?
    2. Second, the fund of just running around and jumping around, and being physically active.
    3. Third, sun exposure, the joy and delight of the sun! It looks like professional beach volleyball players, even kids, actually saw some kids doing some sort of beach volleyball camp in front of the Annenberg Beach House in Santa Monica, they all have a great tan! I think typically speaking, when you see people with a nice tan, it is a very good sign of their health!
    4. Very rarely do you see somebody with a great tan being in a depressed mood, and typically speaking you when you are at the beach, everyone is an insanely phenomenal mood!
    5. Theory and idea — let us see that you do email or computer stuff for a living, or zoom calls whatever… Why not just take your iPhone Pro and AirPods Pro’s to the beach? To just have Verizon, the best 5G connection, and just be happy at the beach? And do work there?
    6. I think the only reason you would not do work at the beach in a gay happy and jolly mood is because your coworkers might feel envious or jealous of you? But this is where it is good to be a bad person. Imagine how terrible of a life it would be if you just lived your whole life in such a manner which prevented others from being jealous or envious of you? Typically my advice for any individual working for any company, or a person or whatever… just do the minimum amount of work necessary to not get fired.

    Economy car

    Currently reading Carl Menger’s the principles of economics, the father of the school of Austrian economics. 

    It’s funny because in today’s world, economics, or if you talk about the economy in general, is seen as the apex field of study. Why? To study business and or economics, as soon as the ultimate pragmatic major introduce world to make money.

    Making money, conserving money, and growing it; the trifecta.

    Some people are very good at making money, but terrible at conserving it or investing it! For example, MC Hammer, 99.99% of rappers etc.

    Growing your money

    Double your money and make it stack! – JAY Z

    I think this is still the strange hypocrisy in money economics wealth etc.;

    In theory, the ideal is to take 99% of the money you earn or make, and invested into something like bitcoin, and see your numbers forever go up.

    However what most people want to do is to earn $1M and to spend that $1M on something. People think:

    “What’s the point of earning a million dollars if you can’t spend it?”

    For example, the poor mistake that a lot of young rappers do is that they get their first check for $1 million, $10 million whatever… and instantly the first thing they will do is buy a Rolls-Royce ghost or Phantom or Bentley… but it would actually be better to have use that money to just buy bitcoin, Which is essentially wealth on wheels, and just smile to see the numbers keep going up!

    Don’t blow your load 

    One of my friends who used to be at Ferrari collector, told me that after collecting all these Ferraris, rare cars and exotics etc.… essentially he just got fed up with all of it, sold them all, and just now just drives around in a Lexus RX in Minnesota. And also, very very interesting advice that I’ve got from really really truly rich people that I know is to just buy a Lexus. Why? 

    First, if you are really really rich, actually ideally… you don’t want people to know that you’re rich! You don’t want to be held by hostage, or for ransom etc. I’m starting to also discover, being low-key poor, when in fact you’re really rich is very very good, the second that people know that you’re really rich, you actually start to concern yourself a little bit with security.  The second people,,, like even your handyman maintenance guy asks you to borrow money… bad sign. I’m happy with my 2010 Prius — if someone asks me to borrow money I just tell them I’m poor and unemployed and point at my beater Prius! Imagine doing that if you had the Pink Rolls Royce.

    The best car or the most interesting car?

    Real rich people drive Lexus’s

    Nowadays Lexus cars are so common place, it doesn’t really mean much in terms of prestige. However, if you want the ultimate in terms of comfort, the Apex quality of materials inside the car, and the ultimate and drive comfort, and also the highest in reliability (a Lexus is a Toyota after all), and also other benefits like having a hybrid engine which means that you don’t have to fill up the tank as often… All very good things.

    Even when I went to Alexis experience center at fashion Island, I jumped into one of the new Lexus cars, I was shocked how high-quality the materials were, compared to Tesla cars, which feel very cheap.

    I think at the end of the day, certainly Tesla is the more sexy and interesting car, but in fact if you think about real real real real quality and the best… Lexus is better.


    Work from home or work from beach?



    Leg Leverage

    Your Legs Run the World

    Everyday is Leg Day

    Instead of buying the loser Lamborghini, the loser Porsche, the loser Ferrari… better to instead to juice up your legs?


    Your legs are the ultimate lever and leverage

    There is a funny meme in the world of fitness, life etc.; which is the notion of “skipping leg day“– the idea that we men are so obsessed about getting massive biceps, a massive chest, deltoids or shoulders etc.… that we instead of exercising our legs, we only focus on upper body movements which will show up on camera? 

    My theory is that perhaps this meme has only created itself because of the camera, social media, etc. I think before cameras were invented, maybe before the ancient Greeks even had mirrors… muscles, show muscles weren’t really a thing. 

    For example, imagine the Iliad, ancient Greece etc.,  ultimate question is who killed who? In terms of ultimate PVP, person versus person, player versus player combat… Who would kill who?

    For example, on the battlefield… The question was who could kill Achilles? Nobody.

    I’m sure certainly these ancient Greek heroes, king Leonidas, the Spartan 300 had insanely epic muscles. Yet, assuming that when you’re in battle, and you have battle armor on, certainly nobody is looking at your muscles, in fact, your muscles are only your metaphorical horsepower for your body and your lethality.


    A funny thing; ever since I got my 60 pound weight vest, and I strap it on, I instantly gained about five or 6 inches in my chest. The funny thought; a lot of weightlifters and bodybuilders obsessed over having a big and a massive chest. Isn’t it easier to just drop on a 60 pound weight vest instead?

    Also, when it comes to combat, does ones chest muscles actually do anything in terms of making one more imposing fighter? I don’t think so.


    Becoming sexier —

    First, I think what we men seek is to become sexier. Also the same thing goes with women.

    In fact, talking about revealed preferences or whatever; the reason I don’t like talk, is that people have all this fake talk about blah blah blah, but revealed preferences show what is truly critical:

    For example, if you go to a wedding, and everyone is dressing up to the 10’s– how is it that everyone wants to dress? The women want to look sexy and beautiful, the men want to look handsome, confident, sexy as well.

    As a random sidenote, there is a common outage in the world of marketing that sex sells. This is true.

    Even the reason why I like to study marketing for women is that I think it shows revealed preferences; even the female clothing brand Reformation has a delivery car with the motto “On our way to make you look sexy.”

    Even the reason why the clothing brand ALO yoga is killing Lululemon, especially in Los Angeles is that it seems that aloe has become the sexier brand, and sexier women wear ALO yoga, even though ALO YOGA clothing materials (Bella + Canvas) is inferior to Lululemon materials; but the big issue Lululemon here has that it seems that only older, middle-age women are starting to wear Lululemon, and younger women are starting to flock to ALO yoga instead –

    No more focus on sexiness?

    Also, I think the problem is in today’s world, sexiness, is no longer sexy. Rather, the new fashion trend is ugliness?

    Why I prefer Los Angeles

    “I’m sexy and I know it”

    I think the reason why I still leave LA to be the Apex place is that this is where all the sexy women are! Even as undergraduate at UCLA; I know that going to UCLA was super then going to UC Berkeley because LA, UCLA were all the pretty and sexy girls went! UC Berkeley has a reputation for being grungy, dark, overcast, ugly, etc. And I think it is true.

    Why does sexiness matter?

    If you think about it, ultimately, sex might be the most important human virtue. Why? If you don’t have sex, you cannot produce children! And if you do not produce children, there would be no longer a human race! 

    Are kids recession-proof?

    I met the founder of this local child’s clothing brand and store, Sean Macklemore; and he told me that the reason he got into the business was that babies are recession proof! 

    At first, I was a bit skeptical; wasn’t the reality that when there was a recession, people stop having kids? But it seems that the truth is actually, whether we like it or not, we will always prefer to have children!

    For example the current trend of having a dog, reducing your carbon footprint not having kids or whatever… I think this is just a weird degenerate trend. I think it will die out. In fact if you look at more product cities in the future like Irvine, Still very encouraged for people to have at least 2.2 kids, a single-family home, etc.

    I think they really really families, at least the smart ones, we always prefer to have children! Why? The really intelligent families with much power, they realize that the true Legacy is three generations from now, imagine trying to give your inheritance to your dog will die before you.

    Why the Privilege is Your Legs

    There’s this quote from Archimedes that says “Give me a place to stand, and I shall move the world!”

    Note, he says a place to stand, not a place to sit. 

    Taiko drumming?

    The other day at the LA public library, the Mar vista branch, we saw this epic Taiko drumming show, and what was very interesting is that the Taiko drummers, when they were drumming at full force, would actually spread their legs and it looks like a lot of the power of the leg drive to hit the drums actually came from the legs?

    Weightlifting for your upper body that also uses leg drive?

    Could we invent an innovate new styles of weightlifting that worked out your upper body that also encouraged you to use your legs? 

    Don’t be the cripple in the Rolls Royce

    Questions; if I told you that you had to be a cripple, that you could not stand, use your legs, and you had to permanently be bound to a wheelchair for the rest of your life… But I would give you an unlimited collection of Rolls-Royce cars, Lamborghinis Ferrari Porsches whatever… McLarens ,,, name it… would you do the trade? Of course not!

    Consumerism is all about sacrificing your legs?

     what are things are products which are marketed to us? It seems anything that has to deal with sitting, our butts.

    For example, sofas couches, chairs?

    The Herman Miller chair, lounging, sitting, first class… The strange sacrifice of your legs?

    The best fitness

    The ultimate exercise is just movement? Like walking around and moving around?

    I’ve been thinking a lot about outside your type of exercise, movement, etc., and I think the first thought that I have is that the ideal movement has to deal with walking, movement, your legs?

    Even taking things up a notch; I’ve mastered the 60 pound weight vest, could I do 100 pound and beyond? 

    Generate new things

    Where does your wisdom come from? Your innovation… your legs! 

    For thinker, mathematician, scientist, innovator etc.… If you want to come out with new ideas, the best strategy is first start walking, a lot, an hour or two, and then the thoughts will naturally arise?

    Also, for more productive presentations, conversations, interviews… Ideally the people would be outdoors walking together? Ideally in nature? 

    Rather than having two individuals being stocked in a cramped podcasting interview room, better instead to have them both wearing Lavalier mics, Walking wall interviewing one other in the great outdoors? 

    In fact, ultimately the quality of voices is not as important as the quality of the ideas. 

    Better to have worse audio quality, but more unique creative ideas?

    Why your legs?

    When it comes to life, health, existence etc.; what is the ultimate privilege? Your legs, being able to walk, etc.

    For example, as a photographer and a street photographer, what is our ultimate passion? To travel, travel the world, to hit the streets, and to shoot street photography, ideally all day every day, with great gusto, and no fatigue.

    Let us consider, mobility, which means walking with your legs, is the most critical elements when it comes to travel.

    For example, a lot of Americans work really really hard, hoping to retire at the age of 65 with a fat pension fund, and then travel the world, whatever… but what if by the time you are 65 years old, you are so fat, fat and obese, type two diabetes, that even though you have a huge pension fund, you can no longer stand nor walk? 


    With health, you don’t really appreciate it until you lose it.

    The other day I went to a friends wedding, tons of fun, tore up the dance floor etc.… And I’m just chatting with the ballet guys, about the richest guy, the richest car etc.… And the guy wisely asked me–

    “Are you healthy?”

    And I responded– “I am extremely healthy!” Then he gave me a grin and said “Then you are the wealthiest one!”

    “Who has the most expensive car in the valet at the wedding?” 

    Don’t be the cripple in the Rolls Royce:

    I almost wonder if we could use this cripple, crippled metaphor for just modern day reality, philosophy, ethics etc.

    Example, there are some people who are emotionally crippled, maybe has some sort of personal PTSD as a kid? Or people who lack empathy emotional social skills– social cripples? 

    For example, I had the realization that in fact anyone who wears dark tinted sunglasses, all the time, even when they don’t need to… It is because they are extremely shy?

    And it doesn’t really make sense for us to disdain people because they are shy?

    Bitcoin & emotions

    Like most humans, I am very emotional, especially when it comes to numbers, money, finances, gains and losses. This is why I never look at prices, too much noise and emotions.

    I think my strategy of via negativa never checking prices is wise — why? Essentially when I got to bitcoin at around $6000, $7000 a Bitcoin … around 2017, 2018… I essentially “Set it and forget it!” After making my initial investment, I just switched my attention and focused to other random stuff like working out, weightlifting, one rep Max powerlifting, philosophy, etc. So hilariously enough when the whole FTX thing happened, Sam Bankman Fried… I was actually oblivious to it all. The only reason I even found out about it because there was a random guy at the gym who told me about it?

    The signal and the noise

    I am definitely on the Michael Saylor camp, — trying to think about the next 100, 200, 300 years… and also thinking about what NASSIM TALEB talks about signal and noise… 99.9999% of things is just noise. 

    For example, if you think about bitcoin, which might be the ultimate volatile asset, maybe second after micro strategy stock…  checking prices even on a daily basis is bad. And let us consider that most people are checking prices literally mid to minute, not good.

    Instead let us imagine checking the prices only every four years. When bitcoin first hit my radar, when I was in Vietnam in Saigon in 2017, I recall bitcoin being only about $300 a bitcoin, and people would comment that it would never hit 1000. Then fast forward a bit, bitcoin hitting $20,000 a bitcoin… Big deal. Then it hitting $60,000 of bitcoin, $66,000 of bitcoin… Big deal. Then crashing down to sub 10,000, then back up to over $70,000.. I think the all-time high thus far has been made around $77,000 a bitcoin?

    Anyways, assuming that the bitcoin having cycle is every four years, the truly empirical way to assess prices is to look at prices only every 4 years. 

    I think my general ethos of quitting the news, never looking at any news, has been wise… I’ve been able to dodge all this fake news about bitcoin being bad for the environment etc.… Which I think was essentially an insider lobbing scammed by Sam Bankman Fried and paying billions of dollars of promotion sponsorships and marketing to a bunch of random celebrities crypto influencers, green peace etc.… To try to spew this propaganda that bitcoin was bad for environment, and that somehow, their “green“ token was much better … like Luna token, FTT token whatever… Which all essentially went to zero.

    I think one of the most clarifying things of having a child is that once you got a kid, your horizon expand. You no longer just think about your own personal short-lived existence… You start to intelligently think long-term.

    For example, the next 30 years. I am currently 36 years old, Seneca is three years, three months old… So in 30 years Seneca will be 33, almost in his prime. I suppose for men, I think we hit our prime in our 40s 50s 60s, maybe even 70s? I think physiologically things start to go downhill maybe when we hit our late 80s, but I suppose my great gratitude of being born a man is that as time goes on, my potency increases overtime.

    Day to day?

    Some of their random thoughts: the wisdom of not thinking too far into the future:

    First, every single day you wake up, you’re going to feel a little bit different, and also the things you’re going to care about is going to be different day to day. 

    I suppose what I am grateful about leaving the loser Bay area is that I am starting to slowly “de-techify” myself. Saying goodbye to loser Patagonia down jackets, insecure nerds with AirPods on, complaining about rent and property prices etc.

    In fact, I am 1 trillion times happier here in LA than I ever was anywhere anywhere else. Why? Certainly there is always a learning curve to moving to a new neighborhood or a new city or a new local, but LA, Culver City is perfect. Literally the only place I’ve ever lived where I can walk… super well?

    In fact, the currently sweet apartment that I got, I’m gonna hold onto that, forever. The ultimate squatter who actually pays his rent.

    Who skips leg day? Not Batman!

    I think a general shift, a general shift I want to see is for us to become more gay, more jolly, grander, bigger, happier, louder, more joyful! Just go to a wedding, soak up all the good endorphins, and hit the dance floor!

    Also don’t forget, it doesn’t cost anything to smile!


    How to judge a weightlifter or a bodybuilder or a power lifter 

    Very simple… first look at the legs, then look at everything else! 

    And also, if you really want to judge yourself according to any other man, ask them how much they could squat, deadlift, etc. 

    We real men glorify our legs!


    Just a simple thought, let us assume that you could load up the squat rack at your local gym with 11 (45 pound) plates on each side. And as a simple challenge, all you had to do was lift it off the rack with your shoulders and your legs in your back for a centimeter. If this were the case… physics don’t lie. Could you do it or not?

    Why rent control is good for us

    A wise economic thought –rent control, rent control for us is a very good thing. 

    Why? I can hypothesize that we are going through a low-key hyper inflationary environment.  for example, right before my very eyes, I saw the price of a single burger patty go from $1.49 all the way up to $2.50! Literally … I saw the price of a single burger patty almost double, nearly an 80% increase in price overnight!

    $20 an hour to work at McDonald’s?

    Anyways, this upcoming election cycle would be good for bitcoin. Why?

    First, there seems to be about an 80% certainty that Donald Trump is going to win. And I think Donald Trump said he was actually pro bitcoin.

    The issues here is that first, nobody likes Joe Biden, not even the liberals or the Democrats, not even myself, and I voted for him because he was the non-Trump candidate. 

    I don’t even know who’s running against Donald Trump.

    Anyways, in a world of uncertainty and chaos, bitcoin gains.

    For example it looks like the big trend here is that irregardless of whoever the presidential candidate is… Over along enough time span, I think the value of the US dollar will keep inflating. Already now I see a single-family homes in Culver City, super basic going for $2.1 million?

    Also, the new iPad Pro. I think it’s wise that apple increase the price of the iPad Pro to $999, instead of the customary $799.

    And also, certainly whether we like it or not, the price is the iPhones also must keep going up. I’m sure in the next five iPhone Pro cycles, we will see the iPhone pro being above $1000.

    So who will win?

    Ultimately I think the big winners here will be the people who maximally frugal, Spartan frugal, and direct almost all of their economic energy towards purchasing and gaining bitcoin?

    Paying your taxes in Bitcoin?

    I wonder, if in the next 20 or 30 years, there will be an option that you could pay your US taxes with bitcoin? And this might be a good idea for the American government because she could start to store some of her wealth backed by bitcoin, not the typical gold standard.

    What next?

    1. Download the Coinbase app for your phone, link it with your traditional bank account, and start buying bitcoin! I think if you link it with the plaid integration to your JP Morgan Chase or Wells Fargo or whatever… You could buy up to $50,000 a day Without any wire transfers.
    2. Once you bought the bitcoin, delete the Coinbase app from your phone. Refuse to look at any crypto news bitcoin news or whatever… And instead use that time to just watch Michael sailor interviews, and for literature, start to tap into the school of Austrian economics, Karl Manger. “The Bitcoin standard” book was also a good read.
    3. Start to think more about peer to peer; for example, I’m starting to think that now even with photos and sharing photos, instead just publicly posting it to Instagram or Facebook, better instead to directly message it to your friends or family members, for them to enjoy! This is peer to peer photo sharing.
    4. If you exercise go to the gym or workout, make every day like day! There is 10x testosterone production in your legs than your upper body; so if you think about it, if you hit legs every single day, your upper body will also benefit. I recommend heavy one rep max “rack pulls” (partial deadlifts off the squat power rack) or just the atlas lift (Google and YouTube ERIC KIM 1,000 pound atlas lift).
    5. In terms of photography, still the best camera to have is a Ricoh GR III or a Ricoh GR IIIX, the new Ricoh GR 3 and 3XHDF is coming out soon, I’ll probably get one. My simple suggestion is if you have a growing kid, who likes to go rock climbing and play at the park etc., get the Ricoh GR III HDF (28mm equivalent), otherwise get the other one.

    The future of media?

    I just recently discovered that Apple podcasts automatically transcribes podcasts, and it is actually very very good! I’m doing this when I am taking a nap in the car with Seneca, and I could just read the transcripts of the podcast interviews with Michael Saylor, because I don’t want to listen to the audio and wake up Seneca!

    I still think that the future of media is still probably text based. For example, the famous Lex Fridman Michael Saylor interview which I think was three or four hours long, I just read the transcript of it, and therefore was able to download the information to my brain at least 1000 times faster.

    Read or watch things or listen to things while you are walking?

    With iPad Pro.

    What next?

    Travel! Some good places I recommend:

    1. Mexico City, stay in the Roma Norton neighborhood
    2. Bangkok, Thailand
    3. Phnom Penh Cambodia, Angkor wat / siem reap
    4. Hanoi and Saigon in Vietnam
    5. Seoul South Korea, Gangnam and all the cute hipster neighborhoods — Hongdae, Itaewon, Garosgil
    6. Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto in Japan
    7. New Orleans
    8. Downtown LA, the fashion District
    9. San Francisco Mission district, 24th street …
    10. Dubai, London, Paris, Prague, all the big cities in Europe. Amsterdam etc.

    Still… traveling is the best thing for the buck for your photography! 


    Work your legs, your mind.,, your soul:



    Leg exercise ideas?

    1. Buy a 60 pound weight vest — Titan.fitness, and just walk around town with it every single morning? Or go on a hike and just hike with it on?
    2. If you have a gym membership, never do any exercises in which you are sitting, or lying on your back.
    3. Think leverages; stop doing squats, rather do standing exercises. Atlas lift, atlas stand,,, rack pulls, partial deadlifts, “block pulls” etc.
    4. When optimizing your life, minimal sitting lifestyle — better to go on a walk, use your legs. This goes with yourself and your kids!
    5. Maybe instead of obsessing over cars vehicles etc.… maybe let us fetishize instead weightlifting equipment?

    Anti bikes?

    I think bicycles are seen as virtuous, but even bicycles have a downside that you have to sit? And often the issue with bicycles is that they are expensive, require a lot of maintenance, and dangerous if you live in a city. 

    Even Seneca has the intelligence, he has a standing walking bike, the one without pedals… But he has never once sat on it and wrote it like a bicycle; instead he uses it like a walker? He walks along side it?

    What else?

    At the gym, everyone is trying to show off how strong they are. But it seems that the ultimate idea is maybe when it comes down to it… The ultimate display of strength is the yoke walk.

    For example, let it say that you have the cold gym in Venice Beach or whatever… And my simple thought is just have a standing yoke, have a permanently bolted down with a 1000 pounds…  and there would be two goals:

    1. Could you lift it off the floor?
    2. If so,,, how far could you walk it out in one go?

    Then for competition ,,, have two guys, with the same yoke, and the goal is to see who could do 100 yard dash with the yokes quicker? 

    Competition fitness muscles without the steroids?

    I think out of all of the exercise fitness trends, maybe the most productive one is the strongman ones. But even though, it is essentially a bunch of fat guys on steroids.

    We got to make the yoke walk cool again.

    In fact, there is this new scene in the Baywatch movie —  the one with the rock and Zac Efron, in which they are at the beach in Venice Beach I think, doing a yoke walk competition?

    The best shoes for photographers, travelers and street photographers

    Zero drop, barefoot… Vibram 5 finger shoes.

    Currently the vibram five finger ”EL-X” knit model.

    We photographers spend so much money on our cameras lenses etc.… but how come so little money on our shoes, which is actually the most important element?

    How to improve your photography

    I also believe that the best thing to optimize in terms of your clothing is your shorts. Currently I believe the best shorts for photographers and street photographers to be the 5’’ license to train black shorts — zippers in the front pockets. 

    Also, the simple ethos is that when you are out shooting, do you want to lighten your load to the minimum. RICOH GR III/X camera still seems to be peak.

    Now what?

    Ge sun is out! Hit the beach, go to a wedding, soak up the endorphins!

    As much as possible, don’t be in the loser indoors.

    Don’t let your kids watch movies, media, films, DVDs etc.; also you yourself unsubscribe and cancel your membership for Netflix HBO, Disney+ whatever.

    Go on a walk, go on a hike!

    Lately I’ve been getting Seneca into climbing, baby rock climbing the center city one, sender city for kids; but even ultimately… Even Seneca says he prefers to walk!

    WALK ON!


  • Fashion Accessories

    OK some general thoughts:

    First, the best accessories are just the human body. For example, reading the marketing material or just looking at the new Porsche 911 Carrera S whatever… If you look at the marketing material, if you study the Typically it is centered around the idea of a muscular rear section. However, isn’t it for superior as an instead of dropping $290,000 on a vehicle, instead, two impute and add that to your own body?

    Bolt on muscle 

    In the world of performance vehicles, modifying your car etc., there is a general notion of “bolt on”;. Essentially easy modifications could do to your car which do not require anything super complicated.

    For example, let us say that you have the typical Japanese manual transmission car, easily install with just a ratchet and some adapters intake header exhaust, cat back etc.  some people with they eventually do is they turbocharged their car, but apparently… A lot of people don’t really like this because there’s too much turbo lag and not enough torque off the line. This is where having an electric vehicle is much more fun; instantaneous torque.

    Even driving Cindy‘s dad’s Tesla model Y dual motor on the freeway… The feeling that the torque was always ready at command was quite awesome, because when you’re driving on the freeway, the 405… You know it is seconds notice you could easily overtake any other vehicle, whereas when driving around in my Prius, The issue is there is always an acceleration lag, which means I need to add more buffer when driving on the freeway.

    Torque & power

    I think this is what and where the notion of a one repetition maximum lift is so fascinating to me; form ultimately, it is much more interesting to lift 1000 pounds, once, for even a centimeter, rather than to lift 100 pounds 100 times, or to even carry 100 pounds for 10 miles.

    Typically would ask of power, it is very very short; for example, if you’re doing a drag race, or if you’re trying to show off your power, or how powerful your car is… Nobody really cares about the whole distance thing — typically we ranked and measure ourselves in the context of 0-60 speeds, or the quarter mile.

    For example, the thing which I still find endlessly hilarious at least in the context of course; even the formidable course 911, 911 turbo, the new 911 hybrid, even the 911 GT three RS; compared to cyber beast which I believe could go from 0 to 60 in only 2.5 seconds; Cyber truck the cyber beast is superior and every single shape form and way.

    First, it looks cooler. Something about the singular front headlight design is endlessly fastening to me, it looks like RoboCop meets some sort of futuristic alien bot? One thing that I don’t really like the 911, no matter how much I’d like the car, is the headlight design; it is almost too cute, too bubbly. And let us not forget if you watch the cars movie, the Porsche 911 Carrera was actually the woman feminine figure in the film.

    Also, note how cyber truck is literally bulletproof. I don’t know how doesn’t crash test, but certainly I would feel very secure driving around that car, especially with my kid which is by far the most valuable cargo you could ever have.


    Everybody is sick some sort of supremacy themselves. For example, one wants to feel supreme in terms of their virtue ethics and morality, another further intelligence knowledge and wisdom, another for their body, muscles, physique and height, another for their taste in obscure aesthetic things and art and music and crafts, Another for their vehicles, another for their fashion, and also others for their riches wealth and money.

    Assuming that you live in a modern day capitalist world, ultimately the most important thing is actually money. Who has the most money, who is the richest, the wealthiest, the most powerful.

    We also make this line of thinking; he who is richest is also happiest, most joyful, most carefree, the most sublimely elevated.

    However, I think actually… The most critical thing is your health, your wellness, your muscles, your posture, your mood, your energy levels, your zest for life!

    For example, it doesn’t matter if you’re a trillionaire, if you’re a 600 pound obese man, stuck in a wheelchair, none of it will be worth it.

    How to become healthier

    A general guideline I’ve been following ever since Seneca was born, was trying to focus on his physical health and his physical activity. For example, having the maximum amount of time and opportunity for him to just walk around, parkour, play at the park, claim stuff, Cool hiking or walking around nature or natural paths, going to the beach, etc.

    It is virtuous in manifold ways; first, the more physical activity he gets, the better he eats, the more he grows, the stronger the more muscular and taller he becomes, the he becomes, and also the more physical activity he gets, he also sleeps better at night.

    And then it becomes a virtuous loop; he sleeps well, he sleeps the night longer, wakes up later… better for me and Cindy, and also for our health and well-being. 

    Limits of health?

    Over-health, over-healthy is the goal!

    Impossible to think or say, but some simple very practical things that you could do in terms of money food and health include buying grass fed beef or meat, pastor raised eggs which have deeper more orange yolks, which not only taste 1000 times better but I believe have far more nutrition, Certainly these things will be fantastic for your health.

    Also, certainly could coffee makes life better. Fine robust, or simple Ethiopian yirgacheffe coffee works wonders. 

    What do you value?

    Reading a lot of Karl Menger (Carl Menger), principles of economics; the Austrian school of economics, is this interesting notion of value.

    First, I think the interesting realization and discovery that I made is that we individuals have the freedom and the power to posit what our values are. 

    For example, what is it that you truly value? Your health, your well-being, family, your kid, your soul your sanity, your focus, your freedom etc.?

    To a large extent, you could decide what you value and what you do not value.

    For example, let us say that you value money above everything else; if that were the case, the easiest thing might be to get a dirty job and work in sanitation, which can make you the big bucks, but you have to smell poop for a living.

    Or, you could become an investment banker, work on Wall Street, and work 120 hours a week, if that is your thing.

    Also I think what a lot of Americans don’t realize is that you could live like a king in Southeast Asia for only about $300 USD a month! Or even if you live in a lot of America, I’m sure you could rent an apartment for only about $500 a month or something.

    Or better yet, if you’re really smart and frugal, even living expensive place like Los Angeles or maybe even the San Francisco Bay area, don’t people realize that you could just share a room or an apartment with people?

    For example, even if rent is quite expensive, just share a bedroom with somebody! If I was a single entrepreneur or maybe even a single person… Wouldn’t be so fixated on this whole notion that I had to have an entire place to myself, or even have my own bedroom. I have no issues sharing. Saving money, reducing expenses the absolute minimum is the goal!


    As a fun experiment, make it again; see how long you go without buying anything? Of course besides food coffee etc.

  • You gotta keep it moving!


    Extreme volatility

    3 boom and bust cycles

    More hear strong


    I’m getting used to the volatility

    The extreme in asset responsibility


    Barbell extreme

    Barbell Investing

    Bitcoin <—–> Crypto


    No energy to create it

    Securities, securities laws

    Unbounded commodity

    Vice in the crypto world


    Best engineered, most economical

    Cross collateralized with worst assets


    Sort the worlds best from the worlds worst

    Price to pay is volatility


    Slow regulators

    Don’t trust the UAE


    Don’t trust Saudi or Dubai

    Don’t trust the Middle East?


    Dubai Coin?

    Crypto Casinos

    Manipulating the price

    Regulator shut down slow

    Regulation is good ***


    FASBY, GAP accounting

    Indefinite, intangible

    Reputational toxicitity


    Negative blow ups

    Negative PR

    Cash 0% yield


    Lift with 60 pound weight vest


    Adult supervision






    Accounting, and regulatory issues

    JPMORGAN Chase will eventually buy Bitcoin or store it

    Custody Bitcoin


    Retire in 10 years***


    How to custody bitcoin




    Fitness Memes


    Checks & balances


    When he dies how will they get the money



    Leave the Bitcoin to.., who

    Fat dumb and happy and arrogant




    Monopoly with wiring

    Lend it, get yield


    Full disclosure

    Don’t chase yield

    Regulated vs transparent

    Culture of virtue


    Greed & Speed

  • GOALS: to get out there!

  • GOALS?

    Becoming healthier is the goal —

  • ”Fashion”?

  • ”Cool Guy” for the Sake of What?

  • No Reviews

    Reviews are bad



  • The Longer the Range, the Better

    363 mile rear wheel drive new Model 3… for only $29,990… wow!!

  • Value fluctuations

    Changes in human needs

    changes in the knowledge men have of the importance of goods for their lives and welfare.

    Changes in the knowledge that we have about the importance of certain goods in our lives in our welfare?

    Knowledge gap, gaining knowledge


    value of the services of capital

    What are the values, or what is the value of the services of capital?

    Expected economic character

    Expected value

    Our expected value of goods?

    When you purchase things or buy things or want to purchase advisor to things… We expect that they have a certain amount of value for us, but we are often wrong?

    The prospective value

    the prospective value of their product at the end of the production period.

  • Hidden Annoyances

    Before you purchase something, very difficult to ascertain what the hidden annoyances will be

    Morale of the story — know that with any new purchase of any so called desirable thing,,, there will be hidden annoyances!

  • Why So Expensive?

  • When is the best time to work out? When you can.

  • “Satisfaction”?

    the mag- nitude of importance of those satisfactions with respect to which we are conscious of being dependent on command of the good.

    Magnitude of importance of those satisfactions

    –> how conscious we are in terms of how dependent we are on it, and the command of it?


    Principle of value determination

    Magnitude of importance

    Human economy

    The importance of a satisfaction

    Stupid men and defective knowledge

    Rational economic activity

    Subject to error

    Error is inseparable from all human knowl- edge.


    Men are especially prone to let themselves be misled into over- estimating the importance of satisfactions that give intense momentary pleasure but contribute only fleetingly to their well- being, and so into underestimating the importance of satisfactions on which a less intensive but longer enduring well-being depends. In other words, men often esteem passing, intense enjoyments more highly than their permanent welfare, and sometimes even more than their lives.

    “I’m over it–“

    Permanent welfare


    Once you get a kid, paradigm shift –> everything changes

    –> who do you desire to be your mate?


    The subjective factor of value determination

    Appraising your own state of mind

    their per- ception of the objective factor of value determination


    You don’t have to maintain bitcoin like real property

  • Sexy Husband

    Sexy dad

  • You don’t have to maintain bitcoin like real property

    Even owning an electric car,,, $1,000 USD for 4 new tires?

    The best car is the car with the *LEAST* amount of maintenance costs (Prius)

  • Digital Skepticism?

    People hark at digital and don’t understand it,,, but Bitcoin as the first true digital money,,, paradigm shift?

    Keep stacking that digital money!

    The problem ,,, people cannot understand the notion of a digital scarcity — digital stuff is seen as free and costs $0 to reproduce.

    But if you truly understand Bitcoin, and the amount of work, electricity, human ingenuity that goes into “mining” and creating a single Bitcoin then you will understand that a single Bitcoin may in fact be the most valuable thing a human can own?

    Do you “own” stocks?

  • Bitcoin cannot be *re-produced*

    You can’t reproduce a Picasso nor Bitcoin

    The measure of value is entirely subjective in nature,

    Nature and the measure of value

    Value is determined by individuals

    His command of the good


    Comparing your kids is a virtue?



    The first true digital scarcity?

    With digital things and files you can copy them ad infinitum,,, but with Bitcoin, hard cap of 21 Million Bitcoins

  • Finance is Ransom

  • Maybe All Black is Still the Best?

  • Power Yoga

    Doing yoga with a 60 pound weight vest on?

  • Technology Wins

    Tesla as a technology company —

    Even though the Lexus may be the superior car,,, all of the LA baby mama’s would prefer to drive the Tesla Model X

  • What is “Business”?


Infinite creativity: