
  • Only Show Your Best Photos

      This is a general tip which is quintessential to photography. Like they say, you are strongest as your weakest link. The same applies to photography; your photography is only good as your worst photo. If your audience sees all your work and stumbles upon a photo that doesn’t seem “as good” as your other…

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  • My Vision of Open Source Photography

    You might have heard the phrase “open source” tossed around. But what does it really mean? To state simply, it is a movement in which individuals wish to provide access to technology or knowledge for free to the masses. A great example of one of the most popular open source platforms in technology is Linux,…

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  • The Soul of the Street Photographer

    Here is an essay that I wrote on Street Photography that I plan on including in the introduction of my Street Photography Book that I plan on publishing. It is a bit long, but I hope you enjoy it: — The Soul of the Street Photographer I feel that street photography is the most pure…

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  • Get Featured on Eric Kim Photography’s Blog!

    Hey guys, In order to see more of your guys’ amazing photography, I decided to run a mini-competition for about a week (until Saturday) for people to contribute their images, which will get featured on this blog! Instructions: Go to my Facebook Fan Page “Like Me“ Post your best photo to my wall (instructions) That’s…

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  • 25 Things I Have Learned Traveling While Backpacking in Europe

    Hey guys, In lieu of my popular post on the “100 Things I Have Learned about Photography,” I originally planned on writing a “100 things I have learned about traveling in Europe” post as well. However this time around, I decided to embellish more on each of the points that I presented. Therefore, I realized…

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  • Have a great July 4th Weekend! – Off to Chi-town

    Hey guys, I’m going to be going to Chicago for this July 4th weekend to meet up with my girlfriend Cindy as well as heading to the University of Madison, Wisconsin, where we could also hopefully connect with Cydney Alexis! Have a wonderful weekend and see you guys soon :)

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  • How to Master “The Decisive Moment”

    “The Decisive Moment” was a term coined by the pioneer of street photography, Henri Cartier-Bresson. During his time, photography was still a relatively new art medium and it wasn’t taken seriously. Furthermore, photographers were often criticized for not having the same discipline and creativity as traditional artists as photographers can create their images in a…

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  • 5 Tips How To Overcome Your Fear of Shooting in Public

    One of the questions that I am asked quite often is, “How did you get over your fear of shooting in public?” To answer that question, I got over it by simply going out and constantly shooting in public. However it definitely does take a lot of practice and effort to build up that courage…

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  • How to Get Started with Street Photography Part I

    So if any of you guys are interested in street photography, the question might be on your mind: “Where do I start?” Well, for starters you need a camera. The most important step is actually going out and taking photos . If you are new to photography, all you might have is a point-and-shoot (a…

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  • Hollywood Weekend Photo Outing

    After a long hard week of work, I thought that I’d do something that I have been meaning to do for nearly a year but never went through with it: spend an entire day in Hollywood, just roaming the streets and taking photos. I never know why I never was able to find the time…

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  • No Excuses – Street Photography 101

    Another huge obstacle you will face as a street photographer (and a general photographer) is that at times you are not going to feel a lack of inspiration to go out and take photos and let your camera collect dust on your shelf. Although it can be healthy to put down your camera at times…

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  • The World is in Your Backyard

    You don’t have to go to the most exotic places to take great photos. Often when it comes to street photography, we think of the masters like Henri Cartier-Bresson and Robert Doisneau who shot in the streets of Paris or hardcore street photographers such as Bruce Gilden in New York. However just because you do…

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  • Free Color and B/W Lightroom 3 Presets!

    So these are some presets that I made in Adobe Lightroom 3 and frequently use when converting my images into color or black and white. Granted that I will still do some fine-tweaking to each image after applying these presets, they are a great starting point for the starting Lightroom 3 user. Also make sure…

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  • The One Million Dollar Question

    So the other day when I stepped out of my office on 3rd street to go take some photos during my lunch break, I was spotted by a group of Christian missionaries handing out fake one-million dollar bills to passer-by’s. They had interesting caricatures of what I perceive to be famous celebrities in place of some…

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  • Introduction to Street Photography

    For the last year or so, I have actually been working on a “Street Photography 101” book that I plan on publishing into an ebook. However, considering that I don’t know how long it will take before I have a finished product, I plan on posting several bits and pieces of it into this blog…

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  • 100 Things I Have Learned About Photography

    Make sure to also read my other more recent list, “102 Things I Have Learned About Street Photography“. Written: 10-14-09 Just because someone has an expensive camera doesn’t mean that they’re a good photographer. Always shoot in RAW. Always. Prime lenses help you learn to be a better photographer. Photo editing is an art in…

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  • Todd White “Paparazzi” Painting

    So at the online advertising agency that I work (AKMG), the CEO there has a real great taste in art. He owns several Todd White pieces, who according to his website claims himself as the “critically acclaimed modern master and portrait painter for the 21st century.” This piece actually hangs in the bathroom, which is…

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  • Hello world!

    Hey guys, so this is going to be my new blog in which I will post photos, essays, tips, and insights about street photography and more. Don’t worry– will still be alive and well. Please leave a comment below and tell me what you think of the new look and what suggestions you think…

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