ERIC KIM SELFIE in broken mirror. Kyoto, 2017.

Why I Am a Skeptic

ERIC KIM SELFIE in broken mirror. Kyoto, 2017.
ERIC KIM SELFIE in broken mirror. Kyoto, 2017.

I don’t want to be a sucker.

I want to trust myself, not the “rules” or the “suggestions” of others, or “Suggestions” or algorithms. I want control and freedom over my own mind, without Any subtle “soft power” or “hegemony” influencing me.

To have CONTROL over the information or stimuli that enters my mind. Do not be “nudged” or “suggested” to doing something “for my best benefit” (that assumes that the government, politics, or economics knows better than I do).

In short,

I know best what is best for me.

Do you?