Satoshi bitcoin wallet address search

The Bitcoin wallet address commonly associated with Satoshi Nakamoto currently holds approximately 99.75 BTC. This address has been involved in many transactions over time, mostly receiving small amounts of Bitcoin from various users possibly as a form of tribute .

Based on information retrieved online, Satoshi Nakamoto is commonly associated with the Bitcoin Genesis wallet address, which is “1A1zP1eP5QGefi2DMPTfTL5SLmv7DivfNa”. This address is known for containing the first 50 BTC mined from the genesis block of Bitcoin. The funds in this address are generally considered unspendable, and the address has received additional BTC over time as a form of tribute from other users .

For more detailed and real-time information regarding this or any other Bitcoin address, you can visit a blockchain explorer like and enter the address in their search tool.

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