1. Never work out with headphones on, a baseball cap, sunglasses or any other coverings. Leave your AirPods, AirPods Pro or noise canceling headphones at home. Better yet the trash.
  2. When you see a pretty girl at the gym you want to chat with them, best approach them and complement them on their outfit, their style, or how strong they are.

I think the big thing here is talk to a woman like you would talk to a man. Joke around and complement how “swole” they are, or how “jacked” they are.


I love all people, doesn’t matter if man woman or gay bisexual transsexual transgender whatever.

to me, I have a passion for bodies, human bodies, beautiful human bodies. Doesn’t matter if man or woman. Always like to compliment the physique of others.

Also, the goal isn’t to “pick up“ women or whatever… Or try to sleep with them… I think when you talk to a pretty woman and engage in fun conversation, it actually gets your testosterone up, which may aid your weightlifting, note ERIC KIM 1000 pound lift.

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