First start walking in order to think

I have often been commented as being “antsy”, but perhaps this is a good thing. Why? My penchant to move is what drives me.

My critique of traditional Silicon Valley thinking is that with enough “willpower”, and “force of will”, one can simply be trapped inside an enclosed space and somehow be “productive”. I think this is false. One must be out, and in the direct elements in order to be productive.

Go to where no laptop will dare to go

A very simple thought: in order to become more productive, one must spend the least amount of possible time indoors. One must maximize your time in the direct sun, in the direct elements, topless etc.

Also, I see a great future ahead of us in terms of productivity, in terms of doing work when you’re out and about, at the local coffee shop, Wi-Fi, iPad Pro, even iPhone. The more I think about it, having a laptop is bad; Any sort of device which promotes sitting and being stationary is bad.
