“The Truth”

In today’s world with chatGPT, biased algorithms, and also deep fakes, there’s no such thing as the truth.

I think perhaps the best modern BS detector is boredom. That is, if you’re watching something that no longer serves you or interests you, just stop watching. Why? It doesn’t really concern you anyways. Most of it is just superficial entertainment.

For example, finally about after a year of avoiding all of this nonsensical gossip and controversy about Kanye West being antisemitic etc. I finally decided to watch the actual interview, and watch the interview with Kanye West and Alex Jones on Infowars. Truth be told it was mostly boring.

It also seems that intelligent people are the ones to mostly fall for all these conspiracy theories. Why? They don’t like the idea of a world which is governed by disorder and unpredictability.

Moral of the story: it is all mostly random, much more random than we would like.

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