The privilege to attempt more vlog

Having this website and blog since 2009-2010-2011 until now (2023)— around 11, 12, 13 years… what have I learned?


1. Text lasts

Looking back at my old blog posts, even some from 2017, about five years ago, the text has remained, and to me, is still very relevant. However what ultimately breaks and gets messed up is the images. Why? As an attempt to curb the total number of files in my server, which has a hard cap of 1 million images, I have to delete all the images. As a consequence, I inadvertently delete old images images.

2. Photos which last?

I feel that every once in a while, it is a good idea to re-curate your images. That is, to review all of your old images in your portfolio, and curate, and re-curate them, and to publish and re-publish them.

The goal—

Striving to make photos which will last at least 300 years.

3. Devices which last

iPad Pro actually seems to have very good longevity. iPhone… not as much.

4. Music, musical albums which last?

YEEZUS — by Kanye West. I am still amazed by how good this longevity has been. Even when I talk to fellow Kanye West fans, this is the album that everyone quotes.

My theory —

When Jesus came out, it was so insanely confusing to so many people, it was so I had a good time. So maybe, if you want to creeping with work, you have to try to be stored in 10 minutes ahead of your time, and then maybe a decade or two later, everyone will catch up.

5. Videos last

Funny enough, even though in theory, videos, and video files seem like they are much more cumbersome, fat and bloated than photos and images, it seems that videos, at least on my blog, and website and in general have lasted far better. Even it is quite impressive for us to think about YouTube; the YouTube videos of the past have still remained! Even the really old 480p videos of the past!

6. Passion lasts?

My theory:

If you create things out of a spirit of passion, and you create them, simply because you care, then it is far more likely to last!

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