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Hell Fucking Yeah, or No

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Dear friend,

When it comes to your photography, art, or life — a tip I have for you on living: decisions you make is either a “Hell fucking yeah, or no.”

1. Thank you Derek

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I originally got this idea from Derek Sivers — who I consider a humanist and Zen techno-monk.

The basic idea is that our lives are short, and life is too short for us to do stuff we don’t want to do.

Of course, there are things we must do in life. We must pay taxes, make a living, etc. But at least for the decisions you do have in life, only do shit you like doing.

2. Don’t become a slave to your job

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For example, you might or might not have the option of quitting your day job. That is kind of in your power.

However, you have the power to tell your boss not to contact you after hours. You have the power to uninstall work email from your phone, if it isn’t 100% critical you have it. You have the power to do what you want before work, during your lunch break, and after work. You have the power to do what you want to do on your weekends. You have the power (and legal right) to be uncontactable (via phone, email, etc) on your vacation/holidays.

3. You have more control in life than you think you do

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Taking it a step further— the best thing about being a citizen (I’m only speaking from an American perspective) is that nobody can force you (physically, or legally) to work a job you don’t want to.

Therefore, realize you have a lot more control in life than you think you do.

Nobody is forcing you to work the job you do. You have the control to live where you want to live. You have the control whether to keep paying your mortgage, or to sell your house. You have the power to cut the toxic, leeches/parasites from your life. You have the power to quit your job.

4. Photography

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In terms of photography, your photos are either a

Hell fucking yeah! Or, “no”

Don’t ask others for their opinion on your photos, before consulting your own opinion on your photos.

For example, if you look at your own photo, and you don’t immediately have a gut-reaction, it probably has no emotion or soul. A photograph that doesn’t impact you emotionally won’t impact your viewer emotionally.

Of course, sometimes we get over-hyped from our own photos. Meaning, we are overly-enthusiastic about our own photos, and a week or two later, we no longer like it. Therefore if you are really really unsure about your photos, let your photos sit and ‘marinate’ for a week or two, don’t look at it, and then re-visit the photo later, to get a better judgement on it.

But the thing to avoid is this: a lukewarm or tepid response to your own photos. For example, if you look at your own photo and you think to yourself, “It is okay” — don’t share it with anybody. Still, you can keep it for yourself, and not upload it. Maybe if you think your family will like it, just share it with them via messenger. But don’t share it with the mass public. Because you are only as good as your weakest (or last) photo you share.

5. Other life decisions

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This “hell fucking yeah or no” decision-making theory can work in many different ways in life. Some ideas:

  • When choosing a life partner: If your heart and soul is not totally 100% intertwined with your life partner, they probably are not your soul-mate. That doesn’t mean that person is 100% perfect. For example, Cindy is the love of my life, yet we still fight a lot, and I get angry often. Yet, I still dedicate my life 100% to her— and consider her my soul-mate. No ounce of doubt in my heart.
  • Where to travel: The next time you decide where you want to travel to, follow your gut. Only go to places you really fucking like, or you really fucking want to go. If you feel ‘meh’ or so-so about going somewhere, just don’t go. Probably better to stay home for a ‘stay-cation’ — and just hang out at the local coffee shop.
  • When choosing business decisions: Honestly, if you don’t need any more money — only do business with people you really fucking like, or take on business clients, business options, business opportunities that really fucking interest you. Be like a big-ass kid. Only do what seems fun, exciting, and interesting. If you can pay your rent, pay for coffee, and pay for eggs and bacon, don’t become a slave or a prostitute for money.
  • Who you choose as friends: Cindy once told me that friends are family that you choose. Meaning, you cannot choose who your family is— but you can choose your friends. If you have friends who suck the life-blood out of you, always spew their negativity on you— I’m sorry, but please, cut them out of your lives. They are like cancer, a negative dark cloud over you.
  • Cut out cancerous family members: This can be your family members too. You have the control to cut family ties if you want to. Unfortunately, I had to do this with my dad— who was like a cancer in my body. Now, I’m healed, and my vision is all clear.
  • Following your passion: Once again, you don’t necessarily have 100% power over what kind of job you have (some of us are bound to our jobs by necessity). However, you have 100% power to control what kind of passion to follow in your free time. So please please please, spend less time consuming media passively — spend more of your life-blood and life-force CREATING and making cool shit, that you are passionate about. And nobody can bullshit passion.

6. What is going to matter when you’re 90 years old, on your death bed?

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You can’t take money with you when you die. You cannot be in your deathbed, with your loved ones around you, breathing on life support, your veins translucent, and clutch all the dollar bills, and take it with you to the afterlife. No matter how many zeros or commas you have in your bank account, you cannot pay off Hades in the journey to the underworld.

You cannot take your fancy car with you after you die. You are not going to give a shit how many cars you have in your garage when you’re about to die. Nor are you going to care about what designer clothes, goods, or objects you have. Are you going to wear all of your golden jewelry and diamonds on your neck, wrists, and fingers before you die?

Are you going to brag about how many awards, honors, and medals you won in your life before you’re going to die? Or are you going to prefer the simple, serene company of your family, loved ones, and contemplate on what meaningful work you did in such a short life?

I know for myself, I get caught up in the bullshit of capitalist-consumerist living. I want a matted-out Lamborghini, I want a shitload of money, and everyone to sing my praises. Yet — none of that shit will matter at the end of my life. I just want to be able to frolic with my grandchildren, I want to know that I touched a heart of a few people, and I want to know that I devoted my life doing meaningful, passionate, and purposeful work — for the greater good.

7. Always follow your passion

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So as a reminder to myself, only do work that I feel really fucking passionate about. To only write about things which I feel are really important. To only share my photos which I hope uplift the souls of my viewers. To spread positivity, good values, and to inspire and motivate others.

Be strong, believe in your creative heart, soul, and never stop following your passion. Be curious like a kid, be fucking grateful as hell to be alive (being alive is the greatest blessing), never stop hustling, and never let anybody tell you otherwise.


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