Innovative Exercises

Seeking innovation in the human body:

1. Farmers walk

At the gym, find a trap bar, and load it up with weights. Lift up the weight, and just walk across the gym barefoot to a certain distance. If you want stronger grip, use some weightlifting chalk on your hands and apply it to the bar.

The benefits of this exercise include increasing your grip strength, getting your adrenaline and hype up, building your traps, trapezius muscles, your bicep, abs and back, and your legs. I enjoy this exercise because it is both dynamic and interesting.

Why do it barefoot? Maximal connection with the ground, no slippage, better leverage. If Hafþór could deadlift 501 kg barefoot, so can you.

2. Squat hold

And you thought I’ve been wondering to myself, why is it that we feel the need to squat all the way down, ass to grass, or even parallel, break parallel, a little bit above parallel, etc.?

At what point, thinking about functional fitness, would we have to hold a very heavy weight in our shoulders, squat down half way, and then stand up? It makes no sense.

What makes sense to me instead is thinking Milo of Croton, holding a 1000 pound or 2000 pound oxen on your shoulder, and walking around. Thus also my “squat walk” concept.

to simplify matters even further, why even walk? Why not just push the weight off the rack a little bit, pushing with your legs and shoulders, and your back, and then holding the weight a little bit, and then putting it down?

3. Rack pull

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