Eric Kim vein rack pull 640 pounds

What Does It Mean to Become Stronger?

Some morning philosophy; what does it mean to become stronger?

The first thought is waking up in the morning and feeling your muscles bigger and fuller, expanding. For example, this morning after I woke up and put on my medium size T-shirt, I could feel my wings expanding. I could feel new muscles that I didn’t feel before.

The feeling that your T-shirt is getting tighter, and your T-shirt armpit area is starting to get too tight, because your muscles are getting bigger.

Also, sleep. You’re sleeping earlier, deeper, longer, and also waking up later. After my 640 pound rack pull, feeling my hips sore. This is a good sign.

Also, increased appetite for more flesh. Becoming more carnivorous. Carne means flesh.

Also, stronger sexual libido. Also, being more conservative with your semen. No need for porn. No “energy suicide”. No needing to rub it out.

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