

Some thoughts on media:

Media rules everything around me

What is the most popular app and platform? YouTube. It seems it is the ultimate “media” platform:

  1. Everything is open and free, and easily searchable and indexed by Google (Google owns YouTube)
  2. There are lots of interesting people and personalities on YouTube, as well as information on how to do nearly everything.
  3. Lots of great music on YouTube
  4. YouTube algorithm quite good at recommending other things you might be interested in.

“Social” media?

We have this thing called “social” media. If we think about the word media meaning “medium, connector of humans” than social media is a technology, tool or platform which is the middle-man which connects other humans and communities together. This is the huge success of Facebook — their ability to connect other human beings together, and to be an effective middle-man.

Movies, tv shows and films as “media”

It seems nowadays with our quarantine lifestyle, the major platforms which are thriving are streaming platforms. Netflix, Peacock, HBO Max, Disney+, or any platform which has lots of films, movies, tv shows, and “content” to stream.

What is it exactly about movies, tv shows and films which is so compelling to us? Perhaps the ability for these films and movies to connect us to other humans? To connect ourselves with greater humanity — human stories? Even Disney+ is clever in not branding their stuff as “movies”, but as “stories”. Because story-telling seems to be much more accurate and the better older term than “movie” or “film” or “show”.

We love stories, and effective story tellers.

Even the Iliad — it is just a really great story. Same goes with all the great Greek tragedy plays of the past.

Tell your own story.

Your camera and your photography as the media, the medium, or the tool to communicate your own stories. Single photos can tell stories, photo series can tell stories… and anything you share is a story in itself.