meat steak

Why I Love Cooking My Own Food

Simple reasons:

First of all, I like having the control. The control what goes into my food and what weird crap *DOESN’T* get put into my food. For example with restaurants my biggest problems include:

  1. I can never eat enough meat to feed myself (the other night I ate 1.5 pounds of steak and 5 pounds of chicken) as well as a bag of collard greens and a bag of frozen kale.
  2. Restaurants take too long. I don’t like to wait.
  3. Too expensive to eat out. I can buy pork for only 99 cents a pound!!! I can buy steak for only $2.99 a pound!!! I can buy a dozen eggs for $2 USD.
Cooking chicken in the oven, and seasoning steak with lots of thyme, garlic powder, pepper and salt.