Horse ERIC KIM Trojan

Hidden Information

Some reasons I’ve been using (instead of Google) and also not following the news and social media, and also being highly suspicious of Wikipedia is this:

All “facts” are politicized weapons. You can always skew the statistics and “facts” in whatever direction you want.

Did we know that Nixon did Watergate before it got leaked?

Selfie black and white eric

Let us consider Watergate. Nobody knew that Nixon was illegally wiretapping Americans before it leaked to the press. But once it got leaked, it became a “fact”.

Now let us consider:

It technically was already a fact as it was happening, but it was hidden from the public and press.

That means even hidden truths or facts are true … they simply haven’t revealed themselves yet.

Just because we don’t know it exists doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist

White swan

Check the classic Karl Popper notion:

If I see a billion white swans and have never seen a black swan in my life, I assume only white swans exist.

Similarly speaking:

If I have never seen a hidden fact or truth, I assume it doesn’t exist. And it cannot exist.