Arm eric kim


It seems many individuals resent others for reasons x, y, z. But why?

The sweet honey of revenge?

When we resent someone … it is odd. It is like drinking poison and wishing the other person dies or is inflicted with pain.


Sent — to feel.

To resent means to feel again. Thus in some ways we can think of resentment as constantly re-living and re-experiencing negative or poisonous thoughts or experiences from the past. But why? Why do this? Is there any real positive utility for us to resent others?

Selfie hand chin

Why blame others?

To blame others is a component of resentment. Resentment is:

You (or society) is culpable for my pain and suffering.

Even if that were true … then what?

Resentment morality

What is the genesis or birth of resentment? I am not certain.

For example, my dad was a shitty guy. But I don’t resent him. I just cut him out of my life. I don’t blame others; most people don’t have free will. Or some people have less free will than I do. So why resent them, hate them, or desire revenge upon them?