Why We Make Art Work

The joy of creating 

What is art? Art is just something you create. It doesn’t need to be “artistic”, which we mean to say is “divinely and accurately painted”. 

Perhaps in the past we deified artists, because they seemed godlike. For example, a renaissance painter — not everyone can do that. It requires tedious years of training, and even more years of insane execution and focus. 

But with photography comes the ultimate disrupter. Now literally anybody and everybody cam make art work! An art work as something which you create which is external of yourself and your body. 

Why make art works?


Then comes the more pragmatic question:

WHY make art works?

Perhaps there doesn’t need to be a why make art work question. Perhaps a better question:

Why do children make art works?

My 2 year old self

Apparently I knew how to draw and paint before I knew how to speak. I have this vivid memory of my mom telling me when I was in my old house in Alameda, I would draw and paint furiously for hours on end, hunched over my little plastic blue and beige Fischer price desk, and stay insanely focused on making my art works. 

Why do this as a child? Certainly I don’t have a good reason why I did it — I just did it! 

Why do children make art works?

I wonder—

For a child to draw or paint before he or she can talk … is this a sign that making art is the primal, and first form of human communication? To communicate ones inner thoughts and being into external reality?

Maybe so! And what makes this interesting?

Perhaps it is our primal human drive to communicate! To communicate ourselves to others. To assert ourselves. To be heard! 

Make in order to communicate and to assert our inner world to others.