The Future of 4K Video and Photography

The future– hybrid of both photography AND video.

4K VIDEO on YouTube

My apartment tour >

Why 4K?

Why 4K? Videos which are ~4,000px wide. This is ideal also for photo (I prefer my photos relatively smaller, I prefer around 4000px wide for my photos).

An idea:

Shoot 4K video and sometimes extract stills from it. Or while you’re shooting 4K video, shoot stills (Lumix does this). And for your JPEG still photos you shoot, just shoot “medium” sized JPEG (or even SMALL JPEG) — roughly 4,000px wide.

How to host 4K video

It seems YouTube is still the best for 4K video. Even with VideoPress (what I use on this blog) limits video hosting-embedding for WordPress Blogs for around 1.5GB (which is ideal for 1080P).

4K sizes

For example, I shot a 6-minute 4K video, which is 6.5GB (very big).

When I resize the video to 1080p (I do this through Quicktime), it becomes much smaller.

1080 sizes

For example the same video (now exported as 1080p) is only ~700MB, at 6 minutes long.

Uploading to WordPress’ VideoPress (paid service)

Shooting stills while shooting 4K VIDEO

So this is really cool with Lumix cameras — you can shoot still photo WHILE recording 4K video. For example:

1080P export via VideoPress integrated into Blog

The process:

Screenshot MAC HACK


Open up terminal


defaults write type jpg

Then your screenshots on your Mac will automatically export as JPEG — which saves an INSANE AMOUNT OF TIME!!!!

Just photograph your house!