Why Assert Your Own Opinion?

To assert your opinion is to be alive:

Why You Must Assert Your Own Opinion

What would a life look like WITHOUT asserting your opinion?

It is a life of “human centipede” of knowledge, in which you’re just quoting others and re-digesting the thoughts of others, instead of sharing your own ideas.

What is an opinion?

Why Education?

To opinion– to ‘opine’, “OPINOR” in Latin. The gist is:

To suppose, imagine, think, or judge.

Whenever you got an opinion, you’re making a certain judgement of reality.

To be a judge– this is the apex of being a philosopher. Then the other question:

Once you’ve judged reality, then do you have the power to enforce it?

The philosopher as a legislator of the future?

Why Think?

*SHOULD* the philosopher become the legislator and the law-maker (and law-enforcer) of the future?