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Fear as the ultimate motivator. Fear as the ultimate filter in life. Fear — knowing that you can and will (eventually) die — you don’t do no bullshit in life and only work on what’s essential to you.

Okay some thoughts:

How does the thought of possibly getting a virus that might kill you change the way you think about life?

Does it motivate you or depress you?

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How I feel

Personally, this is what I think.

I feel fear less strongly as I did in the past. I feel harder, stronger, and more dark and severe. I feel less afraid. But of course I still feel rational fear. This means— I’m afraid of texting while walking, texting while driving, or doing anything that might actually kill me. I don’t want to die. I will do everything I can do which I consider an actual threat to permanent disfigurement or death. For example, no bicycle — the chance of getting hit by an idiot driver ain’t worth it to me.

But this whole fear of leaving your house and the fear of interesting with others seems a bit off to me. I’m not personally afraid. Why? I don’t follow the news, and I follow my own gut. My own gut says:

Don’t lick surfaces, and don’t let others cough into your mouth. Fist or elbow bump people, and don’t be scared.

How to become MORE courageous

For me — it all comes down to courage. Courage to pursue what I love. Courage to not compromise. Courage to not cower.

How did I become so courageous?

  1. Reading a lot of stoic texts. Stoicism is simple — life is all upside, no downside.
  2. Living everyday like I’m gonna die tonight — the ultimate filter in life. Don’t waste no time with no bullshit I don’t care for.