Flex back


More fun to build, make, modify, customize, or transfigure stuff than to buy stuff!

1. Body building

Flex back

Build your body through lifting weights and resistance training. Lift heavy deadlift, squat, bench, dumbbell press, chin-ups, and eat lots of meat. Lift everyday. Transform and build your body — your #1 possession!

The fun thing with bodybuilding:

Anyone and everyone can build their body, sculpt their body like a piece of marble.

Honestly at this point I admire my body like I’d admire if I owned a Lamborghini. Except it’s always with me, on me, and it is me!

2. Strength building

Build your strength through training. My regimen:

Attempt to increase my “one rep maximum” every week by 5 pounds.

If I fail, it isn’t a big deal. I just take a few days off (from that particular lift), eat more meat, sleep a lot, then attempt again! If I fail two weeks in a row no biggie. I just keep attempting until I succeed!

For me, the best style of training is “powerlifting”. No belt. No roids. No protein powder, no supplements. No sugars or carbs. Only water, coffee, and lots of meat.

3. Cars

My teenage favorite car — Sentra SE-R (b13) with SR20DE engine:

  • Engine
  • Sr20ve engine
  • sentra se-r b13

Cooler to buy and modify your car than to buy a new and cool car.

To buy something cool takes no skill, it only shows your taste. When you build something cool, it requires your skill and artistic vision.

What do I prefer to do for fun instead? Sketch car designs I like:

As you study and sketch, you create. You accentuate, identify beautiful parts, deconstruct. To deconstruct is also a creative act.

4. Art

you’re an artist. You create and build and make yourself own artwork.

your photos can be your artwork: