
Seize Your Future!

I often write about “the future” in abstract, but perhaps better to talk about our future; YOUR personal future.

What do we want from our personal future?

First question:

What do you personally want from YOUR future?

I cannot speak for you, but for me:

  1. Have offspring: Have children
  2. Think more deeper thoughts
  3. Write and publish/blog more
  4. Create more epic photos
  5. Deeper knowledge about aesthetics, art, composition.
  6. Become more fearless and audacious over time.
  7. Continue to simplify and focus and concentrate my life, in order to maximize my expression of force and creative power.
  8. Continue to increase my “one rep max” in all of my powerlifting lifts. As a consequence, I desire more bodily skeletal muscle mass.

How can technology aid your future goals?

Let us not get suckered: sometimes technology can aid us in our future goals, and sometimes technology can HARM or HINDER our future goals.

My thought:

Technology which helps simplify your life, helps you become LESS DISTRACTED, and helps you focus and achieve your goals are the best ones.

For example:

  1. Grocery delivery services: Helps me save time to not go to the grocery store. More time to think, read, write and pursue other artistic goals.
  2. Living in a tiny apartment: Less time cleaning, less thinking about maintenance (apartment management fixes problems). To NOT own a home is better for my personal and artistic creativity.
  3. Not owning a car: Taking Uber or public transportation as better. Incentive to walk more (more interesting ideas come into my mind when I walk a lot), and also less stress with parking, maintaining the car, insurance, paperwork, etc.
  4. New JPEG in camera processing technology as great: No post processing raw files anymore; the ability for me to just shoot JPEG on RICOH GR III, and thus less time processing photos, more time shooting photos and reviewing photos! Less stress in my photographic life is good.

The future is already here.

You got all the tools, services, software, hardware needed today. You got all the devices, tools, and the internet in your hands.

What then is holding us back? Perhaps too much time at work, too much concerns about money, and too much wasted metabolic energy on external markers of success.

What we really need:

  1. More artistic courage to create like a child.
  2. Disregard for success or failure in our art works.
  3. No using social media to publish our work: Publishing our work to our own website and blog instead.

Your future is yours: SEIZE IT!


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