Skeleton hand gif

The Photographer as Both Scientist AND Artist

Why is it that Leonardo da Vinci was so fascinated with human anatomy, nature, and all of reality?

Because he was BOTH a scientist and artist. Perhaps we shouldn’t separate the both. It is one in the same.

Why I love studying scientific things

This is my belief:

By studying nature, science, and the natural world– we discover deeper philosophical truths about beauty, aesthetics, and humanity.

Horns grow like fractal patterns (like trees)

Or studying the human bone structure. The bones of the fingers look like smaller versions of our bigger leg bones, etc:

The beauty and science of the human body

The human body as having the most beautiful, sublime, and divine proportions.

Sketch and photograph

Human jaw

As I sketch, photograph, dissect, and analyze, I understand deeper.

Study the beauty of the human form

Like Richard AVEDON: