Leica MP, Lumix G9, RICOH GR III

Why is Photography so Romanticized?

We all have this romantic notion of the photographer: nomadic and wandering, lightweight, simple lifestyle— extreme delight in making beautiful images.

Where does this notion come from, and is it a good one? Or bad?


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Nobody wants to be stuck in an office all day

First of all, perhaps there is the innate human desire for us to adventure, go on expeditions, and explore. Certainly 1000x more fun than being stuck in an office all day.

But is a life of wandering enjoyable, or the best possible life?

Providence, 2019
Pastiche bakery. Providence, 2019

What do you want from your life?

The question is:

What are your life goals?

If you desire to maximize your photographic inspiration and output yes, I’d say that a nomadic life is the best life.

With a nomadic life, you’re always on yourself toes. Your environment is always uncertain. Thus, you’re always awake, aware, and inspired.

I cannot say that I’m happier when living nomadically, but I can say I certainly shoot more photos when I’m nomadic.

Osaka, 2018
Osaka, 2018

Is the point to travel indefinitely?

I like this notion of “intermittent living”. The basic notion is this:

Live somewhere for 1-2 years, then move somewhere else.

It’s like nomadic living mixed with being rooted.

The benefits of this:

  1. Regular access to gym, so you can get powerlifting and muscular gains
  2. Making new friends, truly understanding a new place, instead of superficially knowing a place. “Deep” understanding is always better.
Leica MP, Lumix G9

Making your canvas smaller

A thought:

What if you can live your life within a small city, but to get to know every small little nook and cranny very deep?

Are romantic notions good notions?

Many philosophers have called romanticism a disease, whereas classics are strengthening (I think Voltaire or Goethe says this, or perhaps the French moral philosopher Vauvenargues).

I prefer the classics of ancient Greeks (Homer— Iliad, and Odyssey). What were the Ancient Greek notions? Did the ancient Greeks prefer a nomadic life, a life of travel, or a more settled life?

What did Achilles want?

Achilles just wanted Briseis — a woman he “captured” as a “prize” in one of his war raids. This was the start of the great quarrel between him and Agamemnon.

But generally it seems that Achilles wanted to quit his life of war, and be settled back at home, with all his fatty goats, and a life of joy and ease.

What did Odysseus want?

Even Odysseus — his whole journey is to get back to his wife and his kingdom. He wanders for many painful years, just trying to get back home!

So it seems the ancient Greeks didn’t want a nomadic and wandering life. They preferred to stay “at home”, having abundant cattle, and many children. I think it was the pride of the ancient Greeks to see that Greece was the apex of culture, and they weren’t so interested in other places.

What did the Egyptian Pharaohs prefer?

An idea from the book “Sapiens”. They preferred staying in their seat of power! Would ancient Egyptians pharaohs prefer to travel to foreign places? No!

Live your life however you want


It is your life. Choose how you want to live! No right or wrong; it’s just yours.


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