Selfie skeleton freshman year

Historical Photography

The photos you shoot today will become the history of tomorrow.

Today I was looking at some of my old photos — 2009-2011. I’m amazed — the photos I shot then are already starting to show their age!

YouTube graffiti

For example this 2010 picture. That’s what YouTube UI used to look like!

Or the original iPad advertisement:

iPad photo
Check out the bezels on the original iPad

Or when I was a student at UCLA, the death of John Wooden (2010):

John wooden death

Or even places which don’t exist anymore. For example Bel-Air Camera in Westwood, which was a staple when I was a student:

Bel air camera.
I was shocked when I visited Westwood, and saw Bel Air was no longer there.

Life before iPhone Cameras?

How did people used to shoot selfies before the iPhone front facing camera? Like this:

Couple shooting a selfie on a point and shoot digital camera. You don’t see this anymore.
Couple shooting a selfie on a point and shoot digital camera. You don’t see this anymore.

Or a photo of my friend using a flip phone:

Self history

Or even recording your own history. A photo of me as a freshman at UCLA, in the dorms:

Selfie skeleton freshman year
My early photoshop skillz

Dating your photos

Poster date

It’s funny to look at old photos of posters with dates in them.

To see 2009 is surreal (it’s 2019 already). It’s good for me because I have gratitude to see that I’ve been shooting strong for a decade, and I still got a long way to go!